Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Calibration instructions HIOKI 3200 meter..wanted



Approximately 1983 erra. I picked it up at a Value Village, repaired the
selector on/off switch now need to calibrate it.
Thanks in advance to all who respond.

Jim Land

Approximately 1983 erra. I picked it up at a Value Village, repaired the
selector on/off switch now need to calibrate it.
Thanks in advance to all who respond.

A Google search turned up a couple of possibilities.

Bristow Instruments, an aviation instruments repair shop in Canada, might
have a copy of the manual for sale, but their website is down. You might
phone them at (780)416-5500.

Your Manual Source in the US has a copy for rent. Seriously! They rent
the manual for $25 a week.

Good luck!