Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Calculate the Input/Output Capacitor Value on DCDC converter

Hi everyone,

I have a general question on how to calculate the input and out capacitor values for a DCDC converter for filtering/smoothing.

My example:

DCDC Converter: Synqor NQ60W60QTC25NRS
Input Voltage: 36v
Output Voltage: 12v
Load: 5A

Is there any mathematical formulas to find what capacitor values to use?
Is there any rule of thumb?

Also, i have read that for the specific purpose (filtering/smoothing) better to use a ceramic capacitor instead of an electrolytic, is that right?

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Harald Kapp

Is there any mathematical formulas to find what capacitor values to use?
See page 12 of the datasheet.
Also, i have read that for the specific purpose (filtering/smoothing) better to use a ceramic capacitor instead of an electrolytic, is that right?
No. Electrolytics and ceramics serve different purposes:
  • Electrolytics with their high capacitance serve to buffer a lot ocg charge to provide high currents for a long time (comparatively).
  • Ceramics with their low capacitance baut also very low ESR to filter primarily high frequency noise.
Usually a combination of both types (and even ceramics of different capacities) is used to cover a wide range of frequencies. See e.g. here.
See page 12 of the datasheet.

No. Electrolytics and ceramics serve different purposes:
  • Electrolytics with their high capacitance serve to buffer a lot ocg charge to provide high currents for a long time (comparatively).
  • Ceramics with their low capacitance baut also very low ESR to filter primarily high frequency noise.
Usually a combination of both types (and even ceramics of different capacities) is used to cover a wide range of frequencies. See e.g. here.

Thanks Harald kapp that was en lighting!