Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Caddx NX8E Aux Outputs



I have been trying to program my Aux 1 output to follow the panel's
Armed state. I using the DL900 software I have Aux 1 set to type 21 and
the timer set to 0. According to the docs this should cause the Aux 1
output to follow the Armed state fo the panel. Of course this doesn't work.

I also tried the latched and not latched settings and received the same
results with both. Now, on my panel there is a screw terminal strip
where the power, bell, wireless, keypad, and internal wired zones
connect to.

On the bottom of the terminal strip are five screws labeled:

Aux 2 C

Aux 2 NO


Aux 1 NO

Aux 1 C

I have 12VDC on all of them referenced to the Common except for the Aux
1 NO. It is 0 Volts regardless of the panel’s armed state or of the
‘Latched’ selection in the configuration.

Maybe someone will chime in here that knows how to configure these Aux
outputs. If you look in the docs for the panel I can see a lot of
possibilities with the Aux outputs.

Thank you again for your help!


Try a jumper on J12. Be careful Aux Outputs are Limited to 250 microamps
for positive and 50ma for negative sink. Usually will need a low current
draw slave relay to drive something bigger than an LED. Good Luck.

Those are relay contacts on the 8E. You should have a short on Aux1 C
and NC in the normal state and open when activated. This is dry
contacts or no voltage. If you want panel voltage (wet) contacts put
the jumper on J12 then both C and NC will have voltage unless activated
when NC will no longer have voltage. The relay can switch 1 amp at 24
VDC or .5 amps at 120 VAC. (its printed on the side of the relay)

C is not panel COM if you are assuming that. It is only the common pin
of the relay.

The current limit is for the 4 transistor outputs available on the J9
set of pins.
I have been trying to program my Aux 1 output to follow the panel's
Armed state. I using the DL900 software I have Aux 1 set to type 21 and
the timer set to 0. According to the docs this should cause the Aux 1


You got it right on the money!
Thanks for the help.

Pay no attention to the troll carmen. She is the typical ugly fat bitch that
was teased and beat upon all through school. Now she can hide behind her
little `puter and act all tough and knowing by puffing out her flat chest
and stalking people on the Internet.

Yes, there are indeed such sick minded losers in this world. Notice she
drools over John sKerry too.
Go figure...
Carmen said:
Dear pitiful Kevin,
Ah, I see you still haven't figured out that:
(1) I bought a house and don't live at that address any more. Duh.
(2) That address was an apartment complex with a butt load of
buildings and no names on doors or in the mail building. Duh.
(3) BellSouth did squat to me. Neither did anyone else. There was
no reason to. Again, duh. They all probably just tacked your emails
up on their breakroom bulletin boards under "Looney of the Month".
(4) You have an illness. The pattern is always the same. Get help

While we're posting pics, let's make sure everyone gets a good look at
your mug boy:
For all those playing the home game, it's the picture at the bottom of
the page, on the left side. Kevin Schorzman is the one wearing the
pink shirt on the far left.
According to his Fitday journal, he's dieted his way down to 290
pounds now, so apparently he was a bit slimmer back then.
He hangs out on Low Carb Friends as Kschorz, and if you'd like to see
his polite side that's a good place to see it.

As some of you may have guessed, John Smythe, Mr Happy2k and Catman2k
are all various faces of Kevin Schorzman. He's been around for years.
Usually it's pretty easy to spot him once he starts to go off the
rails. There are a standard set of insults that he mixes and matches,
and he reaches a crescendo point that involves some form of warning
people about their "last chance" and then he disappears for a while.

Have a sparklelicious day Kevin,
PS For you to have noticed my absence from ASDLC you'd have had to be
checking deary. Who is taking up space in whose head?


Carmen said:
Dear pitiful Kevin,
Ah, I see you still haven't figured out that:
(1) I bought a house and don't live at that address any more. Duh.

Sure you did..(wink, wink, wink...)

(2) That address was an apartment complex with a butt load of
buildings and no names on doors or in the mail building. Duh.

You and all of those voices in your pointy little head.

(3) BellSouth did squat to me. Neither did anyone else. There was
no reason to. Again, duh. They all probably just tacked your emails
up on their breakroom bulletin boards under "Looney of the Month".

So says you. But then again, every schizophrenic says the same thing

(4) You have an illness. The pattern is always the same. Get help

So tell me Dr. Freud, is there a cure for the disease that ails you?

While we're posting pics, let's make sure everyone gets a good look at
your mug boy:
For all those playing the home game, it's the picture at the bottom of
the page, on the left side. Kevin Schorzman is the one wearing the
pink shirt on the far left.

Oh My God!! You were able to scour the Internet and find widely available
public information about me?

What a mental giant you are!

According to his Fitday journal, he's dieted his way down to 290
pounds now, so apparently he was a bit slimmer back then.

Let's see, I am overweight, wow!

You on the other hand are also FAT, ignorant, U-G-L-Y (and I have the pics
to prove it), mean-spirited, a racist bigot, psychology imbalanced and,
He hangs out on Low Carb Friends as Kschorz, and if you'd like to see
his polite side that's a good place to see it.

Holy shi`ite! You caught me posting on a PUBLIC message board!

Wow! Mental giant AND super sleuth hound detective! Maybe you can earn some
money from your imaginary mental prowess instead of trying to pimp your
daughter on Usenet.

As some of you may have guessed, John Smythe, Mr Happy2k and Catman2k
are all various faces of Kevin Schorzman. He's been around for years.
Usually it's pretty easy to spot him once he starts to go off the
rails. There are a standard set of insults that he mixes and matches,
and he reaches a crescendo point that involves some form of warning
people about their "last chance" and then he disappears for a while.

Well there you have it! A psycho handing out "Shake your fists at the sky"
rants as to how to life REALLY ought to be!

And now, my life is over!

Have a sparklelicious day Kevin,
PS For you to have noticed my absence from ASDLC you'd have had to be
checking deary. Who is taking up space in whose head?

Actually it consisted of a three second search on Google to get a full
account of your posting habits.

Get it?

So keep on keeping on little girl, your rants do nothing more that showcase
the twisted mentality of you sKerry voters.

Hey I have an idea; post some of your rants condoning the assassination of
President Bush in this forum. I am sure the regulars here will enjoy them as
much as I did over at ASDLC.

I stopped posting there (as far as you know anyway) because I don't feed
trolls. It has to do with an adult maturity level that obviously escapes

One more thing little child: Plonk!

Mark Leuck

Carmen said:
Oh dear. Kevin has pretended to plonk me. What *shall* I do? I
guess you really don't have a choice. The whole record's in Google
and though it may have taken a day or so it would have all ended up
back in the light of day. Your lies would all have just shriveled up
under scrutiny. Condone assassination? Ha! *You're* the one who has
advocated murder, more than once, not me. Google doesn't lie.

It's rather funny to see someone who is well on his way to becoming
the "Crazy Cat Guy" on his block attempting to paint someone else as
mentally ill. You *do* realize it isn't normal for people to have ~10
cats in their house unless they're a breeder, right? It also isn't
normal to dress them up. Seriously. It's not. The cats are
beautiful, and your house looks clean but that is *not* normal.
For the lurkers, the cats really are nice:

Someone has a serious problem when they do this to a cat