Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Business idea for entrepreneurs



With companies cutting back employees to 30 hrs to avoid the crippling
Obamacare costs, I think there is an opening for a new business.
Most workers need more than 30 hrs, so be a go between, putting two
businesses together and coordinate the employees between the two
businesses so they get enough hrs to survive. Maybe 20 hrs at each of
two businesses. Obamacare Regulation Avoidance Coordinator.
ORAC for short.
You could sell state franchises, ORAC of Alabama, ORAC of Idaho,
ORAC of Florida.
I'm tired, I don't want to do it.

With companies cutting back employees to 30 hrs to avoid the crippling
Obamacare costs, I think there is an opening for a new business.
Most workers need more than 30 hrs, so be a go between, putting two
businesses together and coordinate the employees between the two
businesses so they get enough hrs to survive. Maybe 20 hrs at each of
two businesses. Obamacare Regulation Avoidance Coordinator.
ORAC for short.
You could sell state franchises, ORAC of Alabama, ORAC of Idaho,
ORAC of Florida.
I'm tired, I don't want to do it.

I don't think you'd sell any franchises in Alabama (or most of the
South). They're not going to institute state exchanges so no
Obamacare tax. It really is a dumb law, in every way. ...just like
the politicians who voted for it.


I don't think you'd sell any franchises in Alabama (or most of the
South). They're not going to institute state exchanges so no
Obamacare tax. It really is a dumb law, in every way. ...just like
the politicians who voted for it.

Well, that still leaves 56 states!


No, there are about a half dozen states that have given Obummer the
finger, so it's down to 51ish.
Ok, it was just to make the joke!