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  • Thread starter A. Dimitri Lascaris
  • Start date

A. Dimitri Lascaris

I undertsand that certain models of Sony Rear Projection televisions suffer
from a defect known as "burn-in" -- when a fixed image (such as a network
logo) is viewed for a prolonged period, the image becomes permanently
imprinted on the TV screen. I also understand that Sony has taken the
position that burn-in is not covered by its warranty. I am therefore
examining legal remedies against Sony for its failure to pay for the repair
of Sony TV's that have sustained burn-in, and I am very interested in
speaking to anyone who has experienced this problem, particularly if you are
a Sony customer who resides in Canada. If you have had this problem, please
email me at [email protected].


A. Dimitri Lascaris:

Seriously now..... have you considered that it is NOT a fault with the
television but with the programming that YOU select and your viewing habits.
Maybe you should sue the broadcaster who's logo is burnt into the
screen..... that little Playboy bunny is sure annoying when burnt into the
screen, isn't it? Or maybe you should sue the power company because
without power you would not have the burn-in problem, right? Or sue
yourself for actually turning on the television in the first place.
Heck, sue everybody..

Leonard Caillouet

So this is what ambulance chasers do when business is slow?

Sony is no different from any other manufacturer on this issue, which is
well known and completely normal and expected with all phosphor based



I undertsand that certain models of Sony Rear Projection televisions suffer
from a defect known as "burn-in" -- when a fixed image (such as a network
logo) is viewed for a prolonged period, the image becomes permanently
imprinted on the TV screen.

You're not serious, are you?

1. Burn-in is a problem that has the potential of affecting ALL television
displays. Regardless of manufacturer and regardless of configuration.

2. It is not covered under the warranty because this is not a defect. It's a
drawback to video displays, be it LCD, plasma, and cathode-ray, and a fact that
burn in will happen when you have a stationary image left on the screen for too
long. This problem is exacerbated with the use of rear projection displays.

The way to help slow down this problem is to properly adjust the picture levels
of your TV to their optimum levels, particularly brightness and contrast. Too
high brightness and contrast tends to accelerate the occurance of burn-in.
This will help to slow down the problem from happening, but it won't stop it.
The way to prevent it further is to ensure the images on the screen are random,
including not staying on a particular channel for too long so you won't get
burn-in with those blasted station logos.
I also understand that Sony has taken the
position that burn-in is not covered by its warranty.

Talk with any manufacturer about this and they will take the same stance.
I am therefore
examining legal remedies against Sony for its failure to pay for the repair
of Sony TV's that have sustained burn-in

There are no legal remedies. This is a common problem with all displays of all
brands and there is no solution that would still allow the TV to display images
with any kind of decency.

The only solution to **guarantee** that you won't get burn-in on your TV at
all is to stop using it altogether.

I'm sorry but I'm afraid that you're stuck. - Reinhart


Why do most of the posts regarding suing others come from Canada?


get a life, burn in is the oldest problem with CRT and that
includes rear projection. any form of CRT will produce burn in
if you leave the same image on it! its common knowledge to those
that know what they are buying ! to others well there you go.!
i really don't think your going to get much support from too many
here. live with it, you bought an expensive unit and now you think you
should get it repaired for free after using it for hours with a single
image stuck on it.
Even a plasma will do that.
you may consider an LCD next time !, they are slightly better on that


There is no legal remedy. That is normal on any phosphor based crt when an
image is left on one spot for too long. In fact any owner who bothers to
read the owners manual will find that image burn in is not covered by the
warranty and how to prevent it from happening. Most manufactures include
that information in at least 2 places in the owners manuals.

Vector Viper

A. Dimitri Lascaris said:
I undertsand that certain models of Sony Rear Projection televisions suffer
from a defect known as "burn-in" -- when a fixed image (such as a network
logo) is viewed for a prolonged period, the image becomes permanently
imprinted on the TV screen. I also understand that Sony has taken the
position that burn-in is not covered by its warranty. I am therefore
examining legal remedies against Sony for its failure to pay for the repair
of Sony TV's that have sustained burn-in, and I am very interested in
speaking to anyone who has experienced this problem, particularly if you are
a Sony customer who resides in Canada. If you have had this problem, please
email me at [email protected].

I tell you what, waych out if you watch the FOX news channel on
The logo and the left if VERY bright, I have seen projo set burn
on this in days if
watched enough!!