Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Broken Ground Pin in S-Video Wire

I went and broke off the Y Ground pin on my S-Video cable.
Lucky for me, I still have a great picture for my Gamecube.
However, I'm a little scared not having that ground pin...especially
since it's hooked up to my 42-inch Plasma.

Does anyone know if this should be a huge concern for me?
Or should I have nothing to worry about?

I'd rather not put in a new wire (wired through wall, outside through
conduit, and back into my house)

The Game Warden

Dave D

I went and broke off the Y Ground pin on my S-Video cable.
Lucky for me, I still have a great picture for my Gamecube.
However, I'm a little scared not having that ground pin...especially
since it's hooked up to my 42-inch Plasma.

Does anyone know if this should be a huge concern for me?
Or should I have nothing to worry about?

I'd rather not put in a new wire (wired through wall, outside through
conduit, and back into my house)

The Game Warden

It's nothing at all to worry about, the ground connection is still made via
the C ground. The signal grounds are connected together internally in
equipment anyway, the reason for seperate grounds in the cable is to
eliminate interference between the Y and C signals. If the picture is still
good without any patterns or interference, forget all about it.
