Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Bouncing cells?


Robert Baer

Jan said:
I just measured the weight of 3 eneloop AAA cells.
2 good ones measure 11.77 and 11.72 gram, fully charged
and one that is bad (high Ri) also charged, measured 12.28 gram
Later I will measure one of these good ones when it is empty.
The bad one (that is heavier!) bounces more...

Shows that electrons have more mass due to less bounce; heaver cell
shows that the lost electrons have NEGATIVE weight due to the NEGATIVE
Now combine these effects with a cyclo-magnetic positronator, and one
can make either a neg-energy generator, or a graviotometric repellor
(AKA anti-gravity machine).

Robert Roland

Forgot to do the bounce test on the empty one...

The video mentions alkaline batteries. The Eneloop is a NiMH
rechargable battery.

Rechargable batteries have a safety valve that will blow off gas if
the battery is greatly overcharged. This would suggest that a fully
charged battery has more gas in it than a discharged one. If that is
correct, it would follow that fully charged battery should bounce more
than an empty one.

Robert Roland

Is it not more the case that the amount of bounce has more to do with the
shock waves moving through the medium inside the battery, rather than the
actual mass of the battery?

Yes, exactly. Gas is compressible and elastic, while liquids are not.
Try filling a football with water and see the difference.

In Kip Kay's video which Dave Jones refers to, it is also mentioned:


Is it not more the case that the amount of bounce has more to do with the
shock waves moving through the medium inside the battery, rather than the
actual mass of the battery?
e.g. a battery full of a glass-like medium would bounce more than if that
same medium was changed by chemical reaction into a more jelly type medium?

Weight difference cannot be ignored. Maybe both weight and density play


I just measured the weight of 3 eneloop AAA cells.
2 good ones measure 11.77 and 11.72 gram, fully charged
and one that is bad (high Ri) also charged, measured 12.28 gram
Later I will measure one of these good ones when it is empty.
The bad one (that is heavier!) bounces more...


Measure one full. Deplete it, and measure the SAME ONE empty. Sheesh.


Shows that electrons have more mass due to less bounce; heaver cell
shows that the lost electrons have NEGATIVE weight due to the NEGATIVE
Now combine these effects with a cyclo-magnetic positronator, and one
can make either a neg-energy generator, or a graviotometric repellor
(AKA anti-gravity machine).

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We should fire these batteries through the Bead condenser (model #:
AB-619) and see if it can make the observations clearer.