Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Book for radio data transmission

Hi all,
First sorry for my potentially bad english. I'm a french native.
That being said, I'm currently waiting for my own house to be built, and while this thinking about some smart-house projects I could do when it's done.
For this, I wish to use wireless data communication between the several modules I'll install. I know the basics of electronics, but my knowledge about radio frequency data transmission is not very brilliant for now...
One other thing which is important is I want to create myself the circuits for signal emission and reception. Mainly for 2 reasons :
- I'd prefer to work on low frequencies (a bunch of KHz, I'll have to see which freq. are allowed in France), and I don't think there are ICs for that (or I don't know them). The data I'll have to send is very tiny (a few bytes, I'd say)
- I think it is way more instructive (and fun) than using "all-functionalities-packed" ICs.
So, I'm looking for a good book (in English or French, whatever) where I could find such infos on how to generate radio signal with raw data and how to receive and decode it on the other side. I found a recurrent (but rather old) book on the internet, named "The electronics of radio" (, but I'm not sure I could get everything I need to know here (mainly the signal construction / emission part)

Do you think this book could do it ? Which other book would you recommend to me ?
Thanks for you reading and your answers :)


welcome to EP

One other thing which is important is I want to create myself the circuits for signal emission and reception. Mainly for 2 reasons :
- I'd prefer to work on low frequencies (a bunch of KHz, I'll have to see which freq. are allowed in France), and I don't think there are ICs for that (or I don't know them). The data I'll have to send is very tiny (a few bytes, I'd say)

what sort of data and for what purpose ?

there are specific worldwide ISM bands available 315MHz, 433MHz, 2.4GHz etc
check on those for France
Thanks for the welcome davenn :)
The data would be mainly command and state bits (e.g. for lights, roller shade, etc.), plus perhaps control data.
I wanted low frequencies to limit the risk of success of common jammers (I've been told that they are sometimes used by smugglers, but I do not really believe that people lose their time passing by in the streets with jammers hoping to open access to houses)
BobK : power line communication is not a bad idea :) I didn't think about that. I'll have a bit of documentation to see how it is done and used.

Anyway I'm still interested in radio communication books I could buy, also for curiosity reasons :)