Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Bolting CPU fans inside computer monitor stops coughing, aching, fever.


Tibur Waltson

The odors from computer monitors are horrendous. They can
make me cough, sneeze or suffocate in a small room. I noticed
that when the monitor runs cooler, less odors produce. I put
CPU fans inside the monitor and turn on the monitor to find that
it creates jiggly, wiggly lines. What can I do? What is the best
way to install a cooling system inside a monitor?

TIA, Tibur, Phillips 107s, 20"

Kamus of Kadizhar

The odors from computer monitors are horrendous. They can
make me cough, sneeze or suffocate in a small room. I noticed
that when the monitor runs cooler, less odors produce. I put
CPU fans inside the monitor and turn on the monitor to find that
it creates jiggly, wiggly lines. What can I do? What is the best
way to install a cooling system inside a monitor?

TIA, Tibur, Phillips 107s, 20"

Is it just that one monitor? If so, I'd contact Phillips. If it's CRT
monitors in general, I'd consider a change to LCD.

I'd start with Phillips, anyway.


Jerry G.

If your monitor is producing any kind of odours, there must be some
defective components, or something slowly failing. You should have the
monitor serviced. There should not be any smells coming from any type of
electronic equipment when operating. There are no external liquids,
evaporable chemicals or substances, or odour producing materials used.

If there are any parts that are emitting any types of smells then there are
some faults that should be looked in to. This is a sign of something
overheating for some reason of defect.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

The odors from computer monitors are horrendous. They can
make me cough, sneeze or suffocate in a small room. I noticed
that when the monitor runs cooler, less odors produce. I put
CPU fans inside the monitor and turn on the monitor to find that
it creates jiggly, wiggly lines. What can I do? What is the best
way to install a cooling system inside a monitor?

TIA, Tibur, Phillips 107s, 20"

Grumpy OM

Tibur Waltson said:
The odors from computer monitors are horrendous. They can
make me cough, sneeze or suffocate in a small room. I noticed
that when the monitor runs cooler, less odors produce. I put
CPU fans inside the monitor and turn on the monitor to find that
it creates jiggly, wiggly lines. What can I do? What is the best
way to install a cooling system inside a monitor?

TIA, Tibur, Phillips 107s, 20"

Monitors and TV sets are similar to the Ionic breeze air cleaner.
Air flows thru them by convection and particles are collected on the
pix tube and HV components. A thorough periodic cleaning is probably
what is needed. Not difficult if you know what you are doing. If not
have it done at a repair outfit.


The odors from computer monitors are horrendous.
They can make me cough, sneeze or suffocate in a small room.
Tibur Waltson

~Monitors and TV sets are similar to the Ionic breeze air cleaner.
~Air flows thru them by convection
~and particles are collected on the pix tube and HV components.
~A thorough periodic cleaning is probably what is needed.
~Grumpy OM

This is a good 1st step.
A 1" paintbrush (tape over any metal parts just to be safe)
and a vaccuum cleaner with a PLASTIC tip will do the trick.
Look for (DON'T TOUCH) anything broken.
I'm thinking the cup where the fat HV lead goes to the CRT.

^If your monitor is producing any kind of odours,
^there must be some defective components
^This is a sign of something overheating
^Jerry Greenberg

Well, something is not right.
It could be heat directly, but I'm inclined to think OZONE.
What usually happens 1st is throat irritation. (see HV lead, above)

|contact Phillips.
|If it's CRT monitors in general, I'd consider a change to LCD.

Yup. If inspection reveals nothing obvious, talk to them.
It could be you're not the only one with the problem (web search?).

What is the best way to install a cooling system inside a monitor?

Drop this idea.


BTW, Ozone smells like chlorine used around swimming pools.
Is that like what you're smelling?

Tibur Waltson

JeffM said:
It could be heat directly, but I'm inclined to think OZONE.
What usually happens 1st is throat irritation. (see HV lead, above)

It smells like OZONE. HV lead??
Yup. If inspection reveals nothing obvious, talk to them.
It could be you're not the only one with the problem (web search?).

Actually, I have three identical monitors. All are the
same, they irritate my throat and I cough for months.
I open the monitors and find no dust at all.
Drop this idea.
BTW, Ozone smells like chlorine used around swimming pools.
Is that like what you're smelling?

Yes, almost like chlorine but it's odorless. I can't take it
anymore so I completely DUCT TAPE the monitor vent
holes just so I don't have to make a trip to the HOSPITAL.
The monitor does fine with no circulation, but summer is
approaching. I was hoping someone could explain
an alternative method. :)

David Knaack

Tibur Waltson wrote:
JeffM said:
Yes, almost like chlorine but it's odorless.

Ozone has a pretty distinct smell (which, IMO, is almost completely, but
not totally, unlike chlorine). It is the smell of taking off a sweater
in winter up north, or of a succesful tesla coil :)
I was hoping someone could explain
an alternative method. :)

Consider moving the fans somewhere a bit more remote and using something
like dryer duct to pipe the air to the monitor. Be sure to put one of
those foam filters over the fan intake to help discourage the dust
bunnies. You can find great filters for fairly cheap at that hardware
store near the shop-vacuums (the black, open-cell foam sock kind, not
the pleated paper type).

I would recommend replacing the monitors with LCD's, but if I think that
may be cost-prohibitive if you like having a resolution over 1024x768 (I
have a hard time tolerating anything under 1600x1200). Even with
'cheap' $350 LCD's you'd be looking at over a grand.

I would sooner spend some time installing some ducting and sealing the
vents on the montior such that the air-flow kept everything cool and

An air cleaner with a HEPA filter might also help, perhaps you could use
that as the input to a duct system for the monitors.
