Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Blind to see through feel project, help

Hello friends,

I have begun a project of mine to develop a prototype for a device to assist the blind in seeing and navigating. The premise is to use a depth camera (kinect) to extract pixel depth information, and convert that into a mat on their back which can imprint the depths onto their back. Possibly with enough proficiency, the blind could navigate courses and gain a confidence through seeing through feel.

I am after some guidance/ideas about the imprint mat. Obviously, if the mat has higher resolution (say 800x800) that would be better, however this increases complexity as each 'pixel' needs to be individually controllable. I think my best solution would be to use electrical impulses in a grid, but have no experience with this or how to go about sourcing such a thing.

Any help or ideas/improvements/comments are greatly appreciated.

Just one thought .... the back may not be sensitive enough to perceive that sort of fine detail.

It's to do with the density of the nerve endings in the skin . Fingers have a high density , other areas don't need, or have such high sensitivity.