Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Black patch (spot) in center of red led light

Dear all,

I am using a RED LED for one of my project, and i observed a black Patch (kind of spot) in center of light beam. same spot i noticed on many different RED LED.
i want to know how to remove that black patch, will any type of light diffuser will work ?
Please help
Sounds like a pretty specific problem. It might help if you supply a manufacturer name and part number of your device.
With the limited information you supplied, my guess would be the physical construction of the light emitting diode itself, and that fact that this could be common to most if not all LEDs.
The only way I can think of to overcome the issue, would be to find an LED with a specially constructed lens that compensates for the black patch. (Focus or diffusion of the light)
We have no information about your application, so we can't help much with ideas for a method of overcoming the problem you describe.
The more you tell us about specifically why this is a problem in your application, the better the chances that we can suggest a possible solution.