Maker Pro
Maker Pro

bipolar stepper motor driver selection

I need to drive a 12v dc motor using a controller. I have selected pic16f84a and need a driver circuit to drive the motor. please give me your suggestions...
thanks Harald. But I am planning to buy an IC to make the circuit look simpler and smaller, could you suggest any such an ic to drive 12v bipolar stepper motor.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
And I just deleted the other other thread that you started for this topic even after Harald told you not to.
I assume that it is 2 phase bipolar motor with 4 wires, right?

If so, a quad half-bridge driver is what you are looking for, like SN754410, which can handle 1A.

Or you can do the same thing (but limited to 800mA) with 4 2N2222 and 4 2N2905 eight diodes and 4 resistors for less money!

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