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Better Business Bureau reports more detailed!!


G. Morgan

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Cir
Sarasota, FL 34233
Number of complaints processed by the BBB in the last 36 months: 4
Number of complaints processed by the BBB in the last 12 months: 3

*That is ridiculous*

Let's look at ADT's :
ADT Security Systems
5471 W Waters Ave Ste 1000
Tampa, FL 33634-1205

Based on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record with the
Bureau. One complaint has been processed by the Bureau in its
three-year reporting period. The complaint was resolved.

I bet ADT does 50,000 % more business than fat-ass, and they only
managed ONE complaint.

Bass is not only a despicable person, he's also a deplorable


Remove the 'snails' from my email

Mark Leuck

G. Morgan said:

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Cir
Sarasota, FL 34233
Number of complaints processed by the BBB in the last 36 months: 4
Number of complaints processed by the BBB in the last 12 months: 3

*That is ridiculous*

What exactly are the complaints?

G. Morgan
What exactly are the complaints?

Too damn lazy to look at the link yourself?

Complaints Concerning

Repair/Service Issues - (1)
Number in the last 12 months (0)
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved (1)

Refund Issues - (2)
Number in the last 12 months (2)
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved (2)

Customer Service - (1)
Number in the last 12 months (1)
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved (1)


Remove the 'snails' from my email

Mark Leuck

G. Morgan said:

Too damn lazy to look at the link yourself?

Complaints Concerning

Repair/Service Issues - (1)
Number in the last 12 months (0)
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved (1)

Refund Issues - (2)
Number in the last 12 months (2)
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved (2)

Customer Service - (1)
Number in the last 12 months (1)
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved (1)


You didn't answer my question

G. Morgan
You didn't answer my question

What? Am I supposed to know who the complainants are, and what
specifically they complained about? I don't.

Four complaints in three years is piss-poor performance. The fact
that people have to resort to the BBB to get recompense from this
clown is unfortunate. Any respectable business person would take care
of customer grievances well before they escalate to that.


Remove the 'snails' from my email

Mark Leuck

G. Morgan said:

What? Am I supposed to know who the complainants are, and what
specifically they complained about? I don't.

You just answered my question, you don't know

Four complaints in three years is piss-poor performance. The fact
that people have to resort to the BBB to get recompense from this
clown is unfortunate. Any respectable business person would take care
of customer grievances well before they escalate to that.


People can also resort to the BBB even when they didn't buy product if you
know what I mean

The ADT reference could also be bogus, it doesn't mean they are better or
worse than another company it just means someone complained to the BBB,
could be countless others that didn't

G. Morgan

You just answered my question, you don't know

People can also resort to the BBB even when they didn't buy product if you
know what I mean

I know what you're hinting at. The thing is, the complaints were
*resolved*. That leads one to believe the company in question
acknowledged a legitimate customer. If some guy in lets say... New
Jersey, decided to make a false complaint and was never a customer the
Bureau would certainly not list it.

The ADT reference could also be bogus, it doesn't mean they are better or
worse than another company it just means someone complained to the BBB,
could be countless others that didn't

??? What ????

So you're saying the ADT customers don't know about the BBB, or what,
they are more "easy going" than the Bass-Home clientele? Or do you
just like playing devils advocate?


Remove the 'snails' from my email

Mark Leuck

G. Morgan said:

I know what you're hinting at. The thing is, the complaints were
*resolved*. That leads one to believe the company in question
acknowledged a legitimate customer. If some guy in lets say... New
Jersey, decided to make a false complaint and was never a customer the
Bureau would certainly not list it.

How would the BBB know he was a customer or not?

??? What ????

So you're saying the ADT customers don't know about the BBB, or what,
they are more "easy going" than the Bass-Home clientele? Or do you
just like playing devils advocate?

No I'm saying a lot of people don't complain to the BBB no matter what


If the BBB did their actual job, it would be a reliable service. They
shouldn't hide anything from either the consumer, or the business accused.

Something like this:

The Better Business Bureau is a complete waste of everyone's time, and


Mark Leuck

jackcsg said:
If the BBB did their actual job, it would be a reliable service. They
shouldn't hide anything from either the consumer, or the business accused.

Something like this:

That page is meaningless, complaints that are not researched or verified,
anyone can post whatever they want

Frank Olson

Mark Leuck said:
That page is meaningless, complaints that are not researched or verified,
anyone can post whatever they want

Goofy Muderator!!! Are you listening??? :))