Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Betamax VCR Alignment Tapes - Which Do I Need?


Chris F.

I've been collecting a number of Betamax VCRs over the past couple of
years, and doing only basic refurbishing such as belt and tire replacement,
checking caps, etc. I have a chance to buy some original Sony alignment
cassettes, but there are several available and I'm wondering which ones I
Alignment tapes:


Tension tapes:


Can I assume that the KR5 and SL- series tapes are basically the same?
(except for the KR5-2ED, which is for the Extended Definition format).
Thanks for any advice.

Jeffrey Angus

I have a chance to buy some original Sony alignment cassettes,
but there are several available and I'm wondering which ones I

You know, since you've sort of made yourself a Beta repository,
you might as well get all of them, "just in case."

You'll hate yourself later if you need one you could have bought
but didn't.


Chris F.

I've done a little research, and what I've determined is that the alignment
tapes are all pretty much the same. The difference is that some are later
versions, with extra test signals for things like hifi sound, so I assume
that each new version was meant to replace the previous one. If this is
true, than I only need the most recent version, which I think is the KR-1V.


Chris F. said:
I've done a little research, and what I've determined is that the alignment
tapes are all pretty much the same. The difference is that some are later
versions, with extra test signals for things like hifi sound, so I assume
that each new version was meant to replace the previous one. If this is
true, than I only need the most recent version, which I think is the KR-1V.

Sod's Law being what it is , if you have only one test tape it will snag and
get mangled , stretch or delaminate in the vital section.