Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best solution to clean touch screen replacement.

Hello everyone :)

I'm a newbie when it comes to fixing electronics. I need to clean a touch screen replacement for the T100TA Transformer book, but I'm not sure what solution to use. I dabbed a microfibre cloth in some warm water and tried to clean it, but suddenly I realized it was stupid thing to do.

I've read that best solution to clean electronics, such as screens was Isopropyl alchocol. Is that true? What advise can you give me?


I dabbed a microfibre cloth in some warm water and tried to clean it, but suddenly I realized it was stupid thing to do.

only if you used lots of water. a moist cloth is quite OK, and a drop or 2 of detergent wouldn't hurt



I use WD40 for cleaning "almost everything... Give it a try!

Seriously ... NO !!
bad advice .... never use it on any optical product

Hicham ... you really use an oily product to clean things with ?? seriously ???
Seriously ... NO !!
bad advice .... never use it on any optical product

Hicham ... you really use an oily product to clean things with ?? seriously ???
Yes i do and it works. For example: when replacing iphone's digitizer screen, i use wd40 to clean the glue off the screen and it works like magic. I think i should have mentioned that it's not used to mirror clean things rather to remove things.


Yes i do and it works. For example: when replacing iphone's digitizer screen, i use wd40 to clean the glue off the screen and it works like magic. I think i should have mentioned that it's not used to mirror clean things rather to remove things.

yeah so "clean" is the incorrect word huh !!
to remove the glue would have been better wording aye ;)


Yes. The interior side. It has glue and finger prints.

OK it is wise to use gloves when doing replacements like that :)
and soft/fine and lint free tissues are also important and keep fingers to the edges of the screens .... don't touch the main part of the panel ;)

My daytime job entails replacing LCD panels and touchscreens on a number of different products in the surveying and commercial GPS industry

I haven't used those pledge wipes you linked to ... if you have or do try them, I would be interested to hear what you think of them
Yes. The interior side.
OK it is wise to use gloves when doing replacements like that :)
and soft/fine and lint free tissues are also important and keep fingers to the edges of the screens .... don't touch the main part of the panel ;)

My daytime job entails replacing LCD panels and touchscreens on a number of different products in the surveying and commercial GPS industry

I haven't used those pledge wipes you linked to ... if you have or do try them, I would be interested to hear what you think of them

Thank you for the advice. I will keep that in mind the next time I do something like this.

I did try the wipes. They were ok, they were not too wet, the right moisture. The only thing I didn't like is that it contained perfume, but after I cleaned the screen I couldn't smell anything.
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here's an example of the touchscreens I replace


the new replacement
and below the damaged old one ... they are 15cm wide x 9.5 cm high

this was one I did today for a machine control product that looks like this .....

here's an example of the touchscreens I replace

View attachment 31258

the new replacement
and below the damaged old one ... they are 15cm wide x 9.5 cm high

this was one I did today for a machine control product that looks like this .....

View attachment 31257
I have a question actually.

I just tried the new touch screen, but something was interfering with. It seemed like something was touching it in one area, and therefore I couldn't type anything or login.

P.S I can see the feedback when the screen is touched (windows 8 notebook/tablet).

I placed adhesive tape around the inside the of the touch screen to leave a gap between the touch screen and the LCD.

I also cleaned the inside and the outside of any residue, glue, finger prints.

Do have any idea what this could be?
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I placed adhesive tape around the inside the of the touch screen to leave a gap between the touch screen and the LCD.

show me a photo or two of your touchscreen and where you have the tape
if it is like most touchscreens ... like my one above, then the touchscreen doesn't interact with the LCD panel ... they are separate components