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Bee venom collecting device

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Hi to all.
I'm new to this forum, and I'm not very experienced in electronics (however I know some VERY basics)... so my electronics vocabulary is also probably very poor.
I'd like to make an electronic device that "shocks" honey bees so they "sting" a glass plate and leave their venom there. The point of this is venom collection that has multiple medical uses, and the process itself is not lethal nor harmful for bees (otherwise when a bee really stings someone, it dies after that).
There are such devices on market but they are very expensive (hundreds of dollars).
There are many researches on this topic, but they usually don't go too deep into electronics, but more into frequency, duration, etc. of venom collection and effects on bees themselves.
That said, the device should have these characteristics:
Input should be 12 V accumulator (from car or UPS unit).
Output should be, as said in one of the above mentioned researches "impuls frequency, 1 KHz; voltage, 25V; impulse duration 1s; interval between impulses, 2s."
It would be nice if it had potentiometer so the voltage could be regulated from 0-33 V (that's data from another research).
So... if anyone can help, please do so!
If any additional data is required, please ask.
ok a couple of things intrigued me so I have follow up questions
why in all of the world would you collect this venom? the issue I have with giving anyone advice on collecting this is that when stung multiple times by a bee you can get a severe reaction leading to death.
secondly where did you get these values from?
are you just trying to replicate something like this?

I am not saying its something I would do, in fact the uses for venom from bee's is in fact not really scientific as yet and need refining. A back yard job is not something I would goto for this.
ok a couple of things intrigued me so I have follow up questions
why in all of the world would you collect this venom? the issue I have with giving anyone advice on collecting this is that when stung multiple times by a bee you can get a severe reaction leading to death.
secondly where did you get these values from?
are you just trying to replicate something like this?

I am not saying its something I would do, in fact the uses for venom from bee's is in fact not really scientific as yet and need refining. A back yard job is not something I would goto for this.

Hi donkey!
Let me try to answer your questions.
1. Why would someone collect it? Well, honeybee venom is very potent substance. In small quantities it can be used for different things like treating arthritis, some skin conditions etc. Also, many pharmaceutical companies buy this venom (it's actually very expensive) and use it in their products (although I didn't have this in mind).
2. If someone is keeping bees, I guess it should be obvious that he/she is not allergic to bee stings. Yes, SOME people CAN get severe reaction, but it doesn't mean it WILL happen. I don't know if all the people distinguish honeybees, wasps and hornets, but all these sting with different toxin and actually very small number of people is really allergic. Yes, the reaction can be severe (especially when stung by hornet) but also there are people stung by hundreds of bees with no reaction. An average beekeeper is stung multiple times almost every day, and he/she becomes resistant. But some precautions with the venom are to be taken, like not inhaling the pure venom and touching it with bare skin and so on...
Finally, yes, bees can be dangerous. Does it mean we shouldn't eat honey?
3. Values given are from different scientific studies about collecting bee venom. People actually do that, it is collected worldwide, and some say the market need is still much greater than the offer. There are many researches done in all parts of the world about collection (but the device's parameters are kept secret), and also there are researches about usage of bee venom.
4. Yes, I'm trying to replicate something like that in the video.
5. Bee venom usage IS scientifically proven, and it is widely used (mostly in cosmetics industry, but also pharmaceutical). It can be used as is, or refined. The refined one has greater market value, but at the moment I don't plan to sell it. However, the refining process is actually quite simple, there's no chemical process, it's only "washing" of the venom with distilled water and lyophilization.
6. People sometimes keep bees in their backyards. Where do you think the honey you buy comes from? From a factory? Or form some meadow, yard or wherever?

I really appreciate your concerns, and I'm happy to answer any further questions. And if you know electronics, I'd be even more grateful with some help with the device.
@Alec_t if I understand well, there isn't anything in this design that limits current to 1s impulses with pause. It continuously gives 1KHz up to 34V?
U2a is an oscillator with a 1S on, 2S off output. U2b is a 1kHz oscillator which is gated (turned on/off) by the output of U2a.
Here's a simulation result with U2a speeded up by a factor of 100 (10mS on, 20mS off) just for showing the gating action more clearly :-
I'm trying to draw this scheme in MULTISIM, but I can't find SPICE model for LT1072, and MULTISIM's library doesn't have it.
Anybody, help?
(I'm doing it in MUTISIM so i can transfer it to ULTIBOARD to make PCB)
Sorry for bringing back this thread from the dead but i am in a need for your help making an venom extractor too. Alec_t i tried following your diagram but i can't get it to work. can you share your .asc file with me? thank you very much.

Harald Kapp

@hypno : Do you realize that this is an old thread from 2018? You should not hijack old treads, please open a new thread of your own. You can place a link to this thread into your post for reference.
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