Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Batteryless Mobile Phone!!!!


Ian Stirling

Matt said:

No, it's a scam intended to get a few hundred orders, and then the
originator to leave with the money.
Even if the chips need no energy, the transmitter/camera/screen
still do.
There are no new semiconductor processes being designed for the asian
space program (not to mention that there is no such thing (there
are of course national space programs)).
Well, maybe rad-hard chips in a fab somewhere, but they are NOT
anything special, you always pay for rad-hardness in expense and
power use.

Ian Stirling

Ian Stirling said:
No, it's a scam intended to get a few hundred orders, and then the
originator to leave with the money.
Even if the chips need no energy, the transmitter/camera/screen
still do.

To add to this, the couple of technical articles linked have nothing
to do with new processor chips.
Even if you have lower powered memory chips (that one link implied
may be possible), you still need processors, which this will not help
And the other link is just irrelevant.


Well, the 'crystalline' material image looked suspiciously like salt or
sugar grains.

Pretty lame scam effort.

N. Thornton

No. To communicate you have to transmit energy. To see a screen you
have to transmit light. Cameras need energy to amplify their signals.
Processors process what... electron currents, ie power.

Notice also that the stated processor specs are wildly in excess of
whats needed to run a mobile phone, and the picture looks like its
been patched together on a pc, rather than a real item photographed.


Product developer

No. To communicate you have to transmit energy. To see a screen you
have to transmit light. Cameras need energy to amplify their signals.
Processors process what... electron currents, ie power.

Notice also that the stated processor specs are wildly in excess of
whats needed to run a mobile phone, and the picture looks like its
been patched together on a pc, rather than a real item photographed.


Site comes back to...


saturn centre
wolverhampton, west midlands WV4 6JX


Administrative Contact:
cartwright, matt [email protected]
saturn centre
wolverhampton, west midlands WV4 6JX
01902 496007
Technical Contact:
cartwright, matt [email protected]
saturn centre
wolverhampton, west midlands WV4 6JX
01902 496007

There are a few references on the web on these guys. Small compnay
started by two brothers providing custom search engine programming.

Joel Kolstad

The phrase, "latest spin-off from the space program" is also always a good
warning bell. :)

I wonder what the purpose of the web site is, though? It says that phones
will be shipping on December 16th, which obviously isn't going to happen.
Will the site just disappear then? Hmm...

N. Thornton

On 7 Nov 2004 08:20:54 -0800, [email protected] (Matt) wrote:

Seeing as your name is 'Matt' and the domain is registered to: 'Matt
Cartwright' (of Siren Publishing in Wolverhampton) I'd say it's fake
and you're trying to pull a fast one, matey!

The odds of that are 1 over the total number of Matts. It would be
remarkably dumb posting that ad on an electronic engineering forum....
but that hasnt always stopped them.


Terry Given

N. Thornton said:
The odds of that are 1 over the total number of Matts. It would be
remarkably dumb posting that ad on an electronic engineering forum....
but that hasnt always stopped them.


PT Barnum made a serious error when he said "there's a sucker born every
minute" in that he grossly underestimated the true scale of the issue.
There are thousands of suckers born every minute, although nowadays we
call them "consumers"

It never ceases to amaze me the people who fall for the stupid nigerian
scam (and its variants). In the last couple of years in NZ, half a dozen
or so groups have fallen "victim" to this fraud. Surprisingly (or
perhaps unsurprisingly) the poeple losing millions of dollars (ha!
dickheads) have been lawyers, bankers and economists - including the
(former) chief economist of the ASB bank, who lost several million
dollars of his and his friends money. ROTFLMAO


PS wanna buy a bridge?


The odds of that are 1 over the total number of Matts. It would be
remarkably dumb posting that ad on an electronic engineering forum....
but that hasnt always stopped them.

Well, an almost identical post has appeared in from
someone called "Matt" and using the email address "[email protected]"..

Do a whois on "" and you'll see it's registered at the same
address as ""

Go to and click "view source"....

The result? "Author...Matt Cartwright"


Product developer

Terry Given said:
PT Barnum made a serious error when he said "there's a sucker born every
minute" in that he grossly underestimated the true scale of the issue.
There are thousands of suckers born every minute, although nowadays we
call them "consumers"

It never ceases to amaze me the people who fall for the stupid nigerian
scam (and its variants). In the last couple of years in NZ, half a dozen
or so groups have fallen "victim" to this fraud. Surprisingly (or
perhaps unsurprisingly) the poeple losing millions of dollars (ha!
dickheads) have been lawyers, bankers and economists - including the
(former) chief economist of the ASB bank, who lost several million
dollars of his and his friends money. ROTFLMAO


PS wanna buy a bridge?

Yes, the old Nigerian 419 fee in advance scam. Started in the early
90's. Now it has "evolved" into a different format. It is no longer
some top official with the Nigerian Oil Ministry looking to hide 33
million dollars in a foreign bank. Now it comes in the form of an RFQ
asking for pricing of all your products. The new lure is placing a
huge order and then somewhere in the transaction they will need an
advanced payment usually $10,000.00.

I played along with one of these ten years ago just to see how far I
could string out the guy on the other end of the deal. It was quite an
interesting experience. Once the guy asked for the advanced payment of
$10,000.00 I told him that all I had was $5,000.00. He went ballistic
and said no deal. Then two weeks later I get another call from some
other guy in Lagos saying he could do it for $5,000.00. I then came
back with "Gee all I have now is $2,000.00" He went away pissed off.
Another two or three weeks went by and yet another guy from Lagos
calls and says he could do it for $2,000.00. They had a network of
people that they likely sold their deals to for less and less as the
deal aged kind of like selling debts here in the U.S.

I milked it until they stopped calling. Nothing more fun than scamming
a scammer.


Well, I understand that avariciously stupid people deserve a good lesson,
but if they go to jail we have to pay to keep them there.
If they commit suicide they leave behind upset families.

Most of all I hate the fact that a bunch of thieving vermin are making
millions while I'm trying to earn an honest crust.

They're probably laughing loudest at you and I.

I think the west should deduct the amount scammed from the amount we give
them in aid.

Only then are their governments going to make a crackdown,
when it comes out of their pockets.


Yes, the old Nigerian 419 fee in advance scam. Started in the early
90's. Now it has "evolved" into a different format. It is no longer
some top official with the Nigerian Oil Ministry looking to hide 33
million dollars in a foreign bank. Now it comes in the form of an RFQ
asking for pricing of all your products. The new lure is placing a
huge order and then somewhere in the transaction they will need an
advanced payment usually $10,000.00.

It originated much sooner, in the early 1980. Google on the subject.,1759,1020614,00.asp
This particular con actually did begin in Nigeria and predates the Web. In the
original scam, paper letters were sent out by hand, including elaborate packages
of documents. Care went into finding the right suckers. With spam broadcast
mailing, such research is no longer necessary. I predict quality con jobs are
going to be a thing of the past, and Darwinism will take over. The dumbest get
ripped off.



Now this gets interesting:,1284,57760,00.html
Fifty-year-old Michael Lekara Wayid, Nigeria's consul in the Czech Republic, was
shot dead by an unidentified 72-year-old Czech at the Nigerian Embassy in Prague
on Wednesday
According to police reports, the suspect was a victim of the 419 scam, a
thriving industry that employs thousands of people around the world. The
scammers successfully manage to extort money from thousands of victims by
promising them compensation for assistance in moving funds from foreign
countries to banks in the United States.

This makes for more interesting read, a story from someone who used to be
involved in this scam:,1284,53818,00.html
.....Taiwo was also quick to insist that he did nothing more than write letters
intended to lure victims into the scam. He said the con game is profitable
enough to "nicely support" several dozen of his family members.

"We have the letter writers and the people who create the official
documentation, the people who talk to our clients on the phone, the people who
arrange travel and meetings and tours of government offices in Africa, Canada,
Japan and the United States ... no, it's not a small business," Taiwo said.
"I was told to write like a classic novelist would," Taiwo explained. "Very old
world, very thick sentences, you know?"

Once in Nigeria, clients will be treated to what Taiwo's family calls the "dirty
money mago-mago" (deal). The prospect will be shown a suitcase stuffed full of
blackened pieces of paper and told it is money disguised so it can be smuggled
into or out of the country.

"So the person thinks right away they are playing with him," Taiwo said. "He
gets all tense. But then they ask him to select any bills at random from that
money. And they take and rub the black off -- yes, it is all real money covered
with Vaseline and something else ... I think they use iodine, too. So he
relaxes, and then they ask for many thousands to pay for all the money to be

Taiwo's uncle claimed that about one-third of the clients do pay to have the
money laundered. Others balk, at which point they will be charged for other

"We make sure the wad came into the country illegal (without proper
documentation), so they have to pay big to leave with no trouble."

Terry Given

SioL said:
It originated much sooner, in the early 1980. Google on the subject.,1759,1020614,00.asp
This particular con actually did begin in Nigeria and predates the Web. In the
original scam, paper letters were sent out by hand, including elaborate packages
of documents. Care went into finding the right suckers. With spam broadcast
mailing, such research is no longer necessary. I predict quality con jobs are
going to be a thing of the past, and Darwinism will take over. The dumbest get
ripped off.


In 1993 my R&D manager got one of these letters, from nigeria. The
letter got framed, and put on the wall :)


Dirk Bruere at Neopax

Kryten said:
Well, I understand that avariciously stupid people deserve a good lesson,
but if they go to jail we have to pay to keep them there.
If they commit suicide they leave behind upset families.

Most of all I hate the fact that a bunch of thieving vermin are making
millions while I'm trying to earn an honest crust.

They're probably laughing loudest at you and I.

I think the west should deduct the amount scammed from the amount we give
them in aid.

Only then are their governments going to make a crackdown,
when it comes out of their pockets.

Aid should *never* be given to governments.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium

Spehro Pefhany

In 1993 my R&D manager got one of these letters, from nigeria. The
letter got framed, and put on the wall :)


I got one way back. Printed with a manual typewriter on something
resembling toilet paper. Very authentic- just like they use in the
Nigerian Central bank.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Terry Given

Spehro said:
I got one way back. Printed with a manual typewriter on something
resembling toilet paper. Very authentic- just like they use in the
Nigerian Central bank.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Yep, thats what Murrays letter looked like. The paper was wierdly
