Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Basic Transistor Question

How could I amplify voltage with a transistor? I want to amplify 5v to 6v, but transistors have always confused me. How could I do this?
I don't think you understand how a transistor works. They are current amplifying devices.

Is this an AC or DC voltage you need?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Ah, the real question is "what do you wan to do with the 6V?"

If the answer is "I want to power a device that requires 6V" then the strict answer is "Use a boost DC-DC converter". A simpler answer might be "Just use the 5V, it will probably work anyway".

If the answer is "I need a 6V signal and all I have is 5V" then the answer is to use a couple of transistors to create an amplifier (powered from a voltage significantly higher than 6V).