Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Basic LCD driver question

I am working on some older marine equipment that use either the Hitachi HD44780 or a NEC UPD16434 LCD driver. I believe that the drivers are bad as the two units work with the exception of a "fluttering" partial display. I get the outline of the 5x7 blocks, but nothing else and these flutter.

My question is: can I simply replace these drivers or do they contain programing that is specific to the LCD / equipment.

If they contain programing, can then be copied and then replaced?




Sadly passed away in 2015
As far as I can tell from the data sheet, the only "programming" the HD44780U contains is the character ROM and there appears to be only one version of that. There is no code, as such. Its behaviour is controlled by registers that are programmed by the host.

I hope you have the tools to replace an 80-pin SMT device!
Thank you for the reply!!!! I am going to try to change the driver out and will let you know how it goes.

Thanks again,
The only thing you could experience is that they contain a different character set.

If the display only flutters on a part it could also be the driver chips if you've got any, or a bad zebra strip.