Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Basic electronics course

im about to take a basic electronics course online im new at all this will a basic electronics course help me learn how to fix tvs and cb radios? where do you get cb radios and tv parts this is just going be a hobby but if i learn the basic will i be able to work on tvs and radios?
You want learn to fix modern or crt tv's? I don't think they really teach how to fix crt ones anymore. Modern tv's are not very fixable because of their computer like design lot of very small smd components etc.
Learn and know the basics. All electronics is made up of basic electronic circuits.

It is when you mix circuits together that they become harder to understand. When you put circuits together to make a TV or radio or computer that understanding electronics becomes successful.

Use your understanding of how electrons work to troubleshoot circuits that are not working correctly.

It is when troubleshooting a problem that is hard to fix that electronics is really fun and exciting.

When you finally repair a hard to troubleshoot circuit is when your understanding really pays off.

If it were real easy it would be boring. Have Fun.
im about to take a basic electronics course online im new at all this will a basic electronics course help me learn how to fix tvs and cb radios? where do you get cb radios and tv parts this is just going be a hobby but if i learn the basic will i be able to work on tvs and radios?
Always a good point. Same example for me. Newer TVs have transistors. Older ones probably no longer exist. Vacuum tubes. Which was larger. The intent is to learn how the device works first. Do you mean like getting a job? That would be a desirable place to start, labor market.