Maker Pro
Maker Pro

back into electronics as a hobby

HI all,

My name is Mick. From the time I was 8, I have always been fascinated with electronics. I started out with the Radio Shack 50 in 1, 160 in 1 and 200 in 1 projects sets growing up. Was always fun to follow the instructions but never did really understand the theory.

I ended up focusing more on computer programming ( starting with Commodore 64s and eventually ending up in the Linux based systems today. I focused on computer programming and science and do this professionally today. Recently I have been experimenting with Raspberry PIs and now find myself back into electronics by programming the GPIO pins of the Raspberry PI.. Now my childhood curiosity and passion of electronics has been re-kindled, I have spent the last few months learning theories of electricity and doing some basic projects with breadboards ( 555 circuits etc )

My goal here is to continue to flush out gaps in my knowledge and continue to build some basic circuits and some more advance integration with Raspberry PIs. Would really like to get the level of programming some micro controllers. Additionally, I want to influence my young daughters about the importance of understanding the magic of the devices they use every day.


Well put Mick. Your fascination of electronics should make it fun to learn.

Your programming experience will make learning microcontrollers, a walk in the park.

Welcome Mike,

I must agree with John, your programming experience will prove useful when learning to program micro-controllers.

You have much more flexibility with micro-controllers as you can create your own hardware, very simple to program in C.