Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Back from the Dark Side

Hello again to everybody

After several months off-line, I'm back again at Electronics Points. It seems that I was in the Dark Side, so my IP address was not allowed to connect to the server. It seems that is something related to our Northern neigbourg. Hope this situation has solved forever now.

I'm very glad to be here again. I will be giving a look to the threads, and I will share my new projects soon.

All the best

PS: I wanted to post this on the "Introduction" forum, but it says that I have not enough priviledges to post there. I ignore why. Love to you all.


Welcome back Miguel :). We switched hosting companies a week ago and this should have lifted the IP ban on Cuba that the old company had in place. Good to have you back posting :D.

I've moved this to the introductions section and removed the problem with creating a thread there (the forum software thought your account invalid, as all e-mails were failing because of the IP block).


Hop - AC8NS
Good to see you again Señor Lopez! Maybe you can also now import a few electronic goodies from your Northern Neighbor?:D
Welcome Back 'Lito! Looking forward to your contributions - haven't seen you since your O-scope posts some time ago :)