Maker Pro
Maker Pro

AVR external interrupt 0 problem

Please read the program below:
#include <mega32.h>

// External Interrupt 0 service routine
interrupt [EXT_INT0] void ext_int0_isr(void)
PORTC = 0xaa;


// Declare your global variables here

void main(void)

// External Interrupt(s) initialization
// INT0: On
// INT0 Mode: Falling Edge
// INT1: Off
// INT2: Off

// Global enable interrupts
DDRC = 0xff;//configuring PORTC as output to test
while (1)
// Place your code here



according to the program pasted above, the PORTC pins should give output 0xaa only when INT0 pin gets a falling edge. But in my case, PORTC is enabled forever. I have tried multiple combinations like level triggered , rising edge etc.. but all are giving the same output. Please reply.