Maker Pro
Maker Pro

average voltage to dc


Warren Thai

I need a circuit to take in a PWM signal (Vin) and output the average
voltage (Vo = D*Vin). Any ideas?

Phil Allison

"Warren Thai"
I need a circuit to take in a PWM signal (Vin) and output the average
voltage (Vo = D*Vin). Any ideas?

** Any low pass filter does that.

........ Phil

Phil Allison

a RC servo driving a pot does that

** Be careful: the modulated pulse signal that RC servos operate from is
a " PPM " one - for " Pulse Position Modulation " & not PWM.

With PPM, the high period varies from 1 to 2 mS with a repetition rate of
circa 50 Hz.

There is also a frame pulse that sets the number of servos to be controlled.

........ Phil