Maker Pro
Maker Pro



Daniele Fuà

In my 1978 Swan 411 there is an old NECO autopilot. I recently fixed
some minor faulty circuitry and it now works as it is supposed to do.
Too bad that it is a vintage device and, for example, does not have a
NEMEA input, the course is set on an absolute 360 deg dial and there is
no whatsoever display that gives information on the set/actual course.
I would like to upgrade it but the 12Volt/20A servomotor under the
steering wheel works well and I would like to keep it: it is presently
controlled by two relais'. Also the clutch works and there is a rudder
feedback, probably a variable resistor, in the same assembly. Keeping
them would reduce the cost by a relevant amount and, in particular,
would almost zero the mechanical adapting of the steering system. On the
market there are many display/control units available with all the
modern facilities; using one of them should not be impossible.
The main problems I foresee are: i) compatibility between the output of
the new unit and the relais/servomotor, and ii) possible installation of
a new rudder feedback unit.
Has anybody in the NG faced those problems and solved them?