Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Automatic TV remote activation

Hi, hope someone can help me

We recently purchased a tv to use in work to display a slideshow of jobs we have done. Unfortunately the set shuts itself off after a few hours of the remote not being used. This is an apparent government legislation and as such there's no setting on the TV to disable it. I was wondering if there was anyway of either;
• editing the software on the tv to turn this off (think this may be a bit too complicated and possibly end up with a non functioning tv)
• make some sort of small circuit to automatically send a signal to the tv to make it think someone has used the remote therefore leaving the tv on permanently. Ideally something thats non obtrusive and very cheap.

has anyone got any idea how i could go about it?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Depending on the make and model of the TV, you may be able to find a very cheap "universal remote" that will work with it.

You could couple this to a timer which sends some button press once each hour or similar. If there is no sound, then you could hit the volume down button (or mute). Otherwise you could perhaps hit volume down then volume up.

The main problem would be that this may generate on-screen feedback for a few seconds. Perhaps this once per hour wouldn't be too bad.

This would probably be a very simple circuit that you could implement with a PICaxe chip or an Arduino.

The whole thing could fit into a small box and placed somewhere unobtrusive.
Another solution is to ask to a repairman (not a sales men!) if there is "hidden/maintenance menu" on your particular TV. In those menu maybe you can disable the sleep.

A friend of mine also bought a super high end programmable remote control. I will ask if automated action's via timer are possible.

But as electronic engineer sure I will prefer to open my scrap box and apply the Steve solution :)