Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Automatic object tracing system

I want to design automatic object tracing system. I want to see the location of object on my PC. I think I have to connect GPS to Microcontroller but problem is that how will PC communicate with tracking system. I think I can do it by using internet. I think, system must be connected to the Internet. It can be able to communicate with PC over internet. So I think I need 8051, GPS and Wifi Module to make system. Please tell me what I required to make complete object tracking system.
The normal way to do this is GPS and GSM (cell phone) modules. There are commercial products that do it all for a reasonable price. Building one is unlikely to save you much money.

The normal way to do this is GPS and GSM (cell phone) modules. There are commercial products that do it all for a reasonable price. Building one is unlikely to save you much money.

I Just want to know about this. Can we do this and yes then whats the way to implement this system?.
There are already many GPS-based tracker modules available (pet tracking for example) but what kind of resolution are you looking for?
There are already many GPS-based tracker modules available (pet tracking for example) but what kind of resolution are you looking for?
OK suppose, goats go to the mountain to feed the fodder. Sometimes it happens that they are lost .So suppose that I want to make systems for them. when a goat is lost, I can see his location on my PC. I can also use the mobile but I want to use PC. I made a system in which Microcontroller is connected to GPS. I have tied this system in the neck of goats. Now I want to trace location of goat. This is just for example. How can I see location on my PC.
You need some form of radio (wireless) comms - be that mobile phone (asssuming there is coverage in that area) or you could develop a system based on the LoRa type transceivers for local (say 25km) coverage (depends on terrain).

But your need to not just detect the item but to send that information to a PC involves additional steps - getting the received (location) data onto the distributive pathway that is the internet. The alternative is to get the information straight onto the local cell signal. That would mean getting a GPS locator device that has integral GSM signal processing - not cheap. Then there is the power issue.

Can you train the goats to plug themselves in to a recharging station?

Perhaps the simplest method would be to fit them with a beacon transmitter that you could triangulate on using a portable receiver. Unless you have a 'favourite goat' that needs to have individual attention.....?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Vead, have you successfully programmed an 8051 yet? And why are you still so focused on the 8051?

It might be true that a project like this requires a microcontroller, but it's unusual to be so specific at such an early stage.

And have to ever successfully interfaced an 8051 (or any microcontroller) to anything?

I'm just afraid that this project will be about as productive for you as you previous project "to implement a RTOS on an 8051". (How did that go?)
With all the necessary bits that Kelly pointed out, the cost is mounting, just for one goat!. Might be cheaper to employ a goat-herd :).
Vead, have you successfully programmed an 8051 yet? And why are you still so focused on the 8051?
And have to ever successfully interfaced an 8051 (or any microcontroller) to anything?

I'm just afraid that this project will be about as productive for you as you previous project "to implement a RTOS on an 8051". (How did that go?)
I have all that is needed to make a project. I have bought 8051 and various device I am planning to purchased some more modules like (GPS, RFID, ESP2866, ARM ). I have been programmed 8051 microcontroller. I have been written program's for interfacing devices.

Some time you learned from your mistake. Same thing happened to me. I have learned a lot of things . I have learned what to ask on forum. I had asked some questions which were difficult to answer in one thread. RTOS is one of them.

I asked the wrong questions at the wrong time. I did not want to make big project on rtos. It's not that I stopped reading this. I have improved my c programming skills. Now i am not become expert but I am better than before. I just wanted to flesh three led's at different rate using rtos library.

I wrote embedded c program where I am able to flesh three led's at different rate. But I could not implement this program into a tos program. I know very well If I asked one more question on rtos. my thread will lock and I can also get Warning of Ban

I have not learned yet rtos programming but I will definitely learn. how much hard work I have to do this. I will do it.
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Can you train the goats to plug themselves in to a recharging station?
With all the necessary bits that Kelly pointed out, the cost is mounting, just for one goat!. Might be cheaper to employ a goat-herd :).
Have you seen my first post. I have clearly mentioned that I want to design object tracking system. after that I gave example of goats. I think my example was wrong. I should take the example of vehicle tracking systems

You have seen in the movie vehicle have a GPS system and the location of that vehicle is traced on the computer. Suppose I have to make design of this system. I think I have to connect GPS and wifi chip to Microcontroller. so that computer can communicate with tracking system. Is it right ? Do I need extra requirement like transmitter. I don't think so


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Each goat (or car) will typically require it's own gps, GSM interface, and microcontroller.

Modern phones (and indeed some cars) already have this functionality, so an app on a phone call do most of the hard work.

Do your goats carry phones?