Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Automated Lighting project

Hi All,

I have recently obtained a RGB Lighting strip that is controlled through a IR remote.
There are the following components in the set:
1. RGB LED strip
2. Mains to 12V DC Adapter
3. IR Receiver (this is located between the 12V output and LED strip.
4. IR Remote( has 24 buttons, with different functionalities, Powered by 3V Lithium Battery

I am trying to have the individual buttons on the remote controlled through an Arduino, which will decide on output based on sensor input. As there are 24 buttons on the remote and less outputs on the Arduino, I also have a dozen decoders to help me out.

This is how I envision this system to work. Get sensor input, if ambient lighting is low, send a momentary 1 to some bits.
The decoders do some magic and a 1 is selected on one of the 24 output lines. This line is connected to the power button on the IR remote, this is "pressed" through the decoders sending a 1. Then the remote does what is always does and sends the signal to the IR Reciever and wow it worked (NOT!)

Upon looking inside the remote, I've run into some issues:

1. The "buttons" are some miniature circuits that look like strain gauges. (If someone knows the name of these, please let me know). I believe a metallic dot on the underside of the buttons, when pressed, shorts this button and it is pressed. I've used a wire to short the terminals of the power button and this seems to be tripping the button.

I had not planned for this. Shorting something on purpose, through an Arduino is a challenge in itself. Let alone two terminals that are on an external circuit that is powered by its own battery. I also only have 1 line that comes out of the decoders for each button, so the other end will have to be set to a particular value.

2. I have absolutely no idea what the circuit is doing, even the central computing circuit is packed inside a black dot. Some buttons do not have their own two terminals and this is worrying.

If someone could shed some light on this type of circuit, maybe link to a tutorial, I'd be very grateful.
And if anyone know how to short this type of button through an Arduino, that would be a lifesaver.

Edit: Link to photos of circuit:
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Have you considered using the Arduino to record the IR remote control codes then directly send them to the receiver, without having to mess around connecting the Arduino to the IR remote control buttons?
There's an Arduino library written for this purpose, "IRremote" by Ken Shirriff.
It's available here:-

The library includes examples for recording and sending codes, and is very easy to use. You just need to add an external IR LED and transistor or MOSFET to drive it, along with the associated resistors.
There's also an earlier version of the library included with the Arduino IDE, "RobotIRremote", but it's better to use the later version.

Edit: Almost forgot - you'd also need to buy an IR receiver to receive the codes for recording, something along the lines of a TSOP4838. They're very cheap, and can be bought from eBay, RS Electronics and possibly even Altronics or Jaycar.
Have you considered using the Arduino to record the IR remote control codes then directly send them to the receiver, without having to mess around connecting the Arduino to the IR remote control buttons?
There's an Arduino library written for this purpose, "IRremote" by Ken Shirriff.
It's available here:-

The library includes examples for recording and sending codes, and is very easy to use. You just need to add an external IR LED and transistor or MOSFET to drive it, along with the associated resistors.
There's also an earlier version of the library included with the Arduino IDE, "RobotIRremote", but it's better to use the later version.

Edit: Almost forgot - you'd also need to buy an IR receiver to receive the codes for recording, something along the lines of a TSOP4838. They're very cheap, and can be bought from eBay, RS Electronics and possibly even Altronics or Jaycar.

I knew sending equivalent signals through another IR LED was an option, but I was avoiding it because of the extra work of ordering the components and recording the signals. Now that I know there's a library for it, makes it a little easier. Thanks much for you help, Steve!
I knew sending equivalent signals through another IR LED was an option, but I was avoiding it because of the extra work of ordering the components and recording the signals. Now that I know there's a library for it, makes it a little easier. Thanks much for you help, Steve!
No problem. Glad to help. :)
In reality, this method would require less parts than interfacing the Arduino with the remote control buttons.
Good luck with it.

Edit: One of the library examples allows you to receive the remote control codes and print them to the Arduino serial monitor. Then you can copy them down for use in your code for the lighting control project.
Most common protocols are supported by the library.
Yeaaaaa ! Old Steve . . . .I thought for sure that your GPS was "bwoke" . . . .perchance, did you run into "Martaine "on your sojourn ?
Have you considered using the Arduino to record the IR remote control codes then directly send them to the receiver, without having to mess around connecting the Arduino to the IR remote control buttons?

Or interfacing the arduino directly with the LED strip ? skipping all the IR circuit and just writing a code to control the led strip based on an LDR sensor?
. . . .perchance, did you run into "Martaine "on your sojourn ?
Should I have?
I've had a break from electronics for quite some time, but drop in occasionally, saw this thread and thought I'd answer. (Been playing programmer for a year or two.)
You haven't mixed me up with someone else have you?

Or interfacing the arduino directly with the LED strip ? skipping all the IR circuit and just writing a code to control the led strip based on an LDR sensor?
Good idea, if he doesn't specifically want the "remote" connection or any other features that the current setup provides.
If that's all that he wants, it would probably be better to just buy a separate LED strip and leave the current system as-is.
If your remote has 24 buttons it is almost certain that they are arranged in a scanned X-Y matrix, so applying logic 1 to a button contact is unlikely to work, whereas shorting two contacts will. Don't see how an Arduino alone could do that. Methinks relays would be needed. Directly sending IR from the Arduino, as suggested above, seems the better approach.