Maker Pro
Maker Pro

automated light project

Hi, this is my first post so hi everyone. im definitely not new to electronics but it has definately never been my strong point, im a design student and i have been given a breif which concerns lighting, i have an idea but am unsure wether its completely farfetched, in any case is completely exceeds my knowledge of electronics and control being that i know ver little about processing information or controller systems, but im really keen on it as an idea so if anyone could offer advice on steps i would need to take to make it reality, if thats even possible?? i want to acheive the simplest solution, but dont worry about things being too complex because i have access to an extensive electronics department and a wealth of knowledge in the form of lecturers :) so heres the idea as i have it so far.

broadly: the light retrieves data from its environment and reacts in a way relevant to the architecture.

.....i wish to create a light which includes a camera. the camera converts images to data, the data is then used to control aspects of lighting such as direction, heat and diffuse. essentially. these output params would be controlled by motors. i have concepts of how to control the heat and diffuse for that. The industrial concept is that one light can be manufactured for everyone, upon sale a program is written for the client that allows there space to be used in the most versatile way possible with the leat human input. an interesting concept for galleries and function rooms i feel.

the image from the camera is analysed in terms of 'light and dark'. the camera also attains a some kind of net movement value.

-the camera moves its direction to areas of 'low light' value.

i hope i have communicated clearly here, please offer your thoughts and opinions here on how i can acheive this goal, and the skills i will need to acquire! all criticisms welcomed!
this isn't going to be easy.
for image processing you can use MATLAB.A telecommunication students will help.But i think sensors are better and easy to use.