Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Auto switching polarity reversing switch

I apologize if this has been discussed before. I have tried searching for this, but, as you can see, I am having to post to find the answer. I need a switch that will reverse polarity each time power goes through it. This is for...a coffee maker automation lol. Basically I am hooking up a linear actuator to open and close the coffee maker lid (that's what actually starts and stops the coffee process). My issue is, the actuator runs in the forward direction only when I turn it on. So right now tt is fully extended. After this, I shut power off. I turn power back on, and this is where I want the polarity reversed automatically so that it runs backwards and retracts. I turn it off then back on and it runs the opposite way. So on and so forth. Thanks so much in advance. My wife will love this if I can get it working!
I need something that is controlled simply by power reception. Not controlled at the actuator, but at the power source itself. Almost like a load triggered relay. It goes in between the self-contained actuator and the 12v adapter so first time my wifi plug turns it on, it extends and lowers coffee pot door, brewing coffee. Then I'm going to program the plug to go off then come on again right after. This time, because it sensed power being restored, the relay reverses polarity on the actuator and retracts and lifts door shutting off coffee process. Next morning it gets turned on, polarity reverses lowering door and starting coffee again.
I'm thinking the switch gets flipped automatically when the sudden surge of electricity from turning it on first flows through it. So every time power first gets turned on the switch switches itself at the influx of electricity
Interesting! I did not know those did that. So best bet would be to forget the actuator and just install a solenoid? Do they make solenoids with a stroke of about 4 inches? I need it long enough to open lid completely
I'm not sure, you should be able to create a mechanical linkage to increase the reach. Or use a more powerful unit and place it closer to the hinge. Without pictures and drawings it's hard to tell you much.
Other thoughts;
counter balance the lid
spring load the lid