Maker Pro
Maker Pro

auto resetting timer 110v a/c

Looking for recommendations for an off the shelf programmable auto resetting timer for an appliance. eg. set for 10 minutes, once the well pump starts it will run for a max of 10 minutes and then be turned off. If the pump turns itself off before the preset time the timer resets to allow another max 10 minute run. the purpose is if the plumbing springs a leak the maximum flood time is 10 minutes. (should the pump re=un 10 minutes the user would have to manually reset the timer)
usually a float switch senses when sump pumps cut out.

I had a rental property vacated that sprung a leak (cold water pipe solder separated) in winter and the house would have flooded except the sump pump in the lowest corner prevented major damage by running, which caused me to rip out basement carpet , pay $1600 water bill, did minor repairs to ceiling and laundry room drywall, wet insulation, new wall and fixed up the rest in a week and sold house $50k more than I & agents expected in Winnipeg.

Good thing there was no timer.
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Hop - AC8NS
I purchased one of these to control a ceiling-mounted infrared heat lamp in my bathroom. Turn it to 60 minutes when I get in the shower and it shuts off automagically an hour later if I forget to turn it off after my shower.

I don't think this is what the OP wants. Sounds like his well pump starts automatically and if it runs for more than ten minutes he wants it to shut down. Well pumps usually operate based on demand, triggered on by a drop in water level or water pressure. If there is a leak, the "stop pumping, we're full now" signal never occurs. Hence the need to "time out" the pump after ten minutes or so, but automatically reset the time-out timer if the pump shuts itself off (no leak present).

So what the OP really needs is (1) a way to sense that the well pump is on; (2) a way to stop the well pump if it is still on after ten minutes of activity; (3) a way to reset the ten-minute turn-off delay if the pump stops of its own accord.

The Allegro/PIC/relay board that @chopnhack built will do this nicely with appropriate programming. Might want to give him a PM inquiry.
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Well said. I did see an ebay unit but cannot find it again (cleared history) The well pump is a component in the rain water backup well fed in home reservoir in a recent drought area.


Hop - AC8NS
Oh, I didn't notice the "off the shelf" requirement. Never mind the DIY approach I recommended. There are lots of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) timed-delay-to-off products available. Some wiring required. And perhaps deep pockets. Good hunting!