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Maker Pro

Audio level with potentiometer

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sorry for my foolish question, I am a newbie.

I want to know at what resistance we get maximum audio level?

I mean If we use 10K potentiometer in a amplifier circuit, will we get maximum audio level at 0 resistance or 10K resistance.

thanks in advance.
The volume control is normally connected to earth at one end and to the signal at the other end. A slider picks up the voltage for output. If the slider is near earth, the voltage is minimal. If the slider is at the 'top' then the signal will be maxixmum. Volume controls usually have a logarithmic track so that the movement gives a gentle variation at low levels and varies rapidly at high levels.
lembrando que o potenciometro logaritmico tem a letra A

google translation: remembering that the logarithmic potentiometer has the letter A
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
@rahulb you need to learn that replying in your threads is an available option.

I'm going to close this thread. You should stick to your original thread where there is enough information to actually answer the question.

see here.
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