Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Audio Jack for speakers broken, repair help

My flatmates stupid got drunk and used my speakers without asking.

The tip of the Audio jack has now broken off and the audio Jack itself is wired into a little box where you can adjust the volume of the speakers.

Here are the speakers themselves,

Instead of sending them back does anyone know how I can replace the end of the Audio Jack? As I don't think the problem is to do with the cables, just the metal tip

Excuse my description, I'm a massive noob with all this stuff!


welcome to the forums :)

OK lets se an actual pic of your unit with the broken bits
so we can figure out if you are talking about a broken plug or socket :)

You can use 1.8m cable that you can buy from a nearest store and replace the jack by cutting the wire from the point of the jack and then attaching it to the other wire and be sure to use an electrical tape to join them

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