Maker Pro
Maker Pro

audio amplifier


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I really don't understand. Do the mice have very small microphones?

I suspect that there is a language barrier that is obscuring your meaning as well as making you request sound more demanding than you intend.

You may need to explain more fully.

I just realised that you may have meant "microphones" or "mics", not mice.

If that is true then we need to know the following:

1) what type of microphones?
2) What is it for? (or what are the distortion requirements)
3) what will it drive (speakers?)
4) what impedance is the output? (4 ohm, 8 ohm, or something else)

You may be best off googling for "10 watt amplifier schematic" and see what you find.
I think he wants to amplify what his computer mouse is saying... I said that jokingly but I just remembered a project I saw a few years back where people were working on detecting/capturing wired keyboard signals wirelessly from rooms away.

But 10W would be excessive so you are probably correct with the tiny rodent microphone idea.