Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Audio Amplifier CCT5801 no datasheet - unable to find datasheet - help appreciated

Hi - I am trying to take two mono-speaker USB drive player cubes, and turn them into a stereo speaker. This is what it looks like:

The things is really cute, with loud sound, rechargable Li-ion, and only 2" wide.

The problem is that the board mixes the L & R channels and then feeds the single audio amplifier in the CCT5801 chip. I cannot find the chip layout or application datasheet for this obscure chip designed in China. I need to feed only one channel to the chip, but have no idea where the mixing circuit is, or where the input to the chip is.

So I will connect one channel from the Line Out of the cube into the Line In of a second cube. But I need to connect the other channel of the Line Out to the CCT5801 on its own cube. I need to figure the input to the CCT5801 (or to hack the mixer to ignore the 2nd channel).

Any help is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.



Hi Dave, this data sheet does not have pin layout nor any schematics. I have seen it. Thanks anyways.

I didn't download the datasheet, I refused to be forced to download some other crap prog just to read the datasheet
I assume you downloaded and installed that converter file ?
Hi Berninia,
Why can't you just send Left signal to Left unit and Right to Right?
If the IC hasn't got two signals, it can't mix them.
Put a stereo lead to one unit using only one channel, and then connect second unit via the other channel.


I didn't download the datasheet, I refused to be forced to download some other crap prog just to read the datasheet
I assume you downloaded and installed that converter file ?
Where does it say you can download the datasheet? I can't find such a button. The only button I see on middle right has no link.

Are you sure you are not confusing the download advertisements on the right for a download button? These ads download something else.
Hi Berninia,
Why can't you just send Left signal to Left unit and Right to Right?
If the IC hasn't got two signals, it can't mix them.
Put a stereo lead to one unit using only one channel, and then connect second unit via the other channel.


Hi Martin, I can't do that because the mixer takes the two channels output from the USB drive IC and mixes them and then feeds the mono audio amplifier CCT5801. The board is so compact that I can't figure where the mixer is. I don't have a diagram. The audio amplifier IC does not mix the signals. The signals are either mixed on the digital USB drive IC or mixed on the board (more likely).

I don't want to have 2 external speakers and power supply. I just want two identical mono cubes (each has its own speaker) connected together and become stereo.