Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Attaching a Ultrasound HC-SR04 unit

I have a Ultrasound HC-SR04 unit which has tiny holes in each corner for screws/bolts. Can someone tell me the type/size of fixings I will need to attach it to my project? Thanks.

Sir . . . . . .8bit

(What ? you haven't progressively upgraded to 128 bit. . . . . .you have been loosing some serious crunch power in the interim.)

Strange . . . but those two diagonally oriented, same size holes, could accommodate at least 4 different digressing gauges of fasteners sizes.

Not knowing your projects mechanical situation, leaves limitless possibilities.

Click on and then travel on in to the sourcing info of all of these potential utilization's of that unit , and take a look-see at what might be most applicable to yours.


Do duly take note of the "Porcelain Throne " . . . .centrally . . . .about 39 lines down.

73's de Edd

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Ah no I was actually talking about physically attaching the the sensor to my project. :)

I could hot glue it but I don't have a glue gun so was looking at the small holes on the sensor itself.