Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ASUS A7J laptop got wet (turned on) NO go now


Tony Leathem

A friend of a friend dropped his laptop around today. Totally dead,
apparently he got it wet (don't want to know how). Took it too a local PC
repairer????. Who promptly switched it on while it was still wet, owner said
it went for half a second and died a painful death.

I would like to pull it apart and see if I can find the reason for the no

I would really appreciate a PDF service manual if available to enable me to
pull it apart without tearing the rest of my hair out

Any help always appreciated

Thank you



Tony Leathem said:
A friend of a friend dropped his laptop around today. Totally dead,
apparently he got it wet (don't want to know how). Took it too a local PC
repairer????. Who promptly switched it on while it was still wet, owner
said it went for half a second and died a painful death.

I would like to pull it apart and see if I can find the reason for the no

I would really appreciate a PDF service manual if available to enable me
to pull it apart without tearing the rest of my hair out

I would suggest that if someone is not competent enough to pull the unit
apart without having a PDF service manual to aid them in doing so, then that
person is certainly not competent enough to fix it.

Tony Leathem

-=Spudley=- said:
I would suggest that if someone is not competent enough to pull the unit
apart without having a PDF service manual to aid them in doing so, then
that person is certainly not competent enough to fix it.

I would suggest you go f*ck yourself, MORON. I would rather have the service
manual to pull something apart than break
the bloody thing by forcing apart the mechanism, But your input is greatly
appreciated, F*ck you very much



Any help always appreciated


Tony Leathem said:
I would suggest you go f*ck yourself, MORON. I would rather have the
service manual to pull something apart than break
the bloody thing by forcing apart the mechanism, But your input is greatly
appreciated, F*ck you very much



Any help always appreciated

I think -=Spunky=- may be Phil's brother :)

Can't help on the service manual - there are some bits & pieces here:

Try some torrent searching - I found service manuals for a HP laptop that


Tony Leathem said:
I would suggest you go f*ck yourself, MORON. I would rather have the
service manual to pull something apart than break
the bloody thing by forcing apart the mechanism, But your input is greatly
appreciated, F*ck you very much

I can readily see that your mentality springs forth from within your
inability to converse without the use of expletives.
No wonder you can't pull the thing apart without the aid of a manual, I
suggest you are doing your friend a great disservice by attempting to do so.
Swear at the sucker, that might enduce it to pop open upon demand.

For your assistance, most of the ASUS Laptops that I've worked on require
the Keyboard to be removed to get to the screws that secure the top cover to
the main board.
I think they design them like Chinese puzzles to keep the unqualified
backyarders out.


Den said:
I think -=Spunky=- may be Phil's brother :)

Wash your mouth out with soap and water.

Who's "-=Spunky=-"
Or were you just trying to seduce me? :)


Den said:
I think -=Spunky=- may be Phil's brother :)

Watch out Spuddles... looks like you have a bum-puncher looking for a
date - and I don't mean the kind you go out on...