Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ask for help in a video signal converter

Hi Good day,

I have Mixer Video of Sony Corporation (Sony DFS700A) but the system (NTSC) and I want to turn it into a system (PAL) I have the following:
Contacted Cable (AV) in the Video Mixer out of the port (composit video out) To signal convert (DSC1024) with (composit video 1 IN).

The anather cable (AV) out of the (video out)
But show me the video display in black and white only
Is the problem because of the type of cable you advise me another cable?
Or there is an error in the conductors or require specific settings?
Thank you Mr. John monks
This User's Manual only use the default will not benefit me now

On the screen of Singal convert is received (video Input - NTSC) has been converted into (Video Output - Pal), but display the video shown without color only (black and white).
I do not know why and what is the solution?
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What I linked to was a service manual.
Is there any way you can check the composite video out for the color Burst signal?
Are you using the composite video out?
Is the monitor set up for PAL and did you try it on something else?
Is the cable ground good?
Can you set up the mixer for a color pattern?
Any way you can scope out the composite video for all the color components?
Other than the missing color does the picture look good?
To clarify more ..This cable connections on the Sony Video Mixer


This cable on signal converter


This screen image processing signal converter


I hope that you can advise me of the problem and the solution

This display

What I linked to was a service manual.
Is there any way you can check the composite video out for the color Burst signal?
Are you using the composite video out?
Is the monitor set up for PAL and did you try it on something else?
Is the cable ground good?
Can you set up the mixer for a color pattern?
Any way you can scope out the composite video for all the color components?
Other than the missing color does the picture look good?

Well, I tried a reverse process ..Turned the camera signal from NTSC system to Pal system and display good color and without any problems.

Frankly, I do not know set up the mixer for a color pattern ... because I do not have a great experience .. Is there a way if allowed

Thank you again
I'm stumped. I never worked with this particular mixer.
It just seems to me that if you place your mixer input to PAL and your camera to PAL and things work then if you place the camera to NTSC and the mixer input to NTSC you should get the same good results.
Is it possible that the camera is messing up in the NTSC mode?
Any way of checking like with a NTSC moniter?
I wish someone else would chime in.
Well, I tried a reverse process ..Turned the camera signal from NTSC system to Pal system and display good color and without any problems.

Frankly, I do not know set up the mixer for a color pattern ... because I do not have a great experience .. Is there a way if allowed

Thank you again
Sorry I mean ...
I tried a reverse process ..Turned the camera signal from Pal system to NTSC system and display good color and without any problems.
I hope I understand you correctly.
I thought originally you were using the camera in NTSC mode and connected that to your mixer. And the mixer went into another device in the PAL mode.
I am presuming that when you have the camera in NTSC mode you don't get color. But when the camera is in the PAL mode and the mixer is setup in the PAL mode for the input you get color. Am I correct?
I am wondering because it looks like the problem is in the camera or the mixer and I am trying to narrow it down.
I will explain to you ..Video mixer works that NTSC, And The camera works on a PAL system ..
But when the camera has been converted from Pal system to NTSC system that has become well-functioning without problems.
But I want to convert video mixer from NTSC system to PAL system in order to work on all cameras.
Seems he needs to color pattern settings, but I could not understand the user do not have a lot of experience.

Thank you for your interest in me