Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Arrgh - PCB footprint pad dimensions!


Leon Heller

Why is it that the manufacturers' footprints for SM devices nearly always
give the dimensions between the edges of the pads? I thought it was standard
engineering practice to give the dimensions between centres, which is what
is required by the PCB package I use, so I have to do a few calculations
every time I create a new SM footprint.


Leon Heller

Leon Heller said:
Why is it that the manufacturers' footprints for SM devices nearly always
give the dimensions between the edges of the pads? I thought it was
standard engineering practice to give the dimensions between centres,
which is what is required by the PCB package I use, so I have to do a few
calculations every time I create a new SM footprint.

Further to the above, I've just seen a footprint which has *one* dimension
between the *centre* of a central pad and the edge of another with *all* the
others between the edges!!!


Bob Stephens

Why is it that the manufacturers' footprints for SM devices nearly always
give the dimensions between the edges of the pads? I thought it was standard
engineering practice to give the dimensions between centres, which is what
is required by the PCB package I use, so I have to do a few calculations
every time I create a new SM footprint.


One of my pet peeves as well. So far I haven't screwed up the offset
calculations on a board, but it's only a matter of time...


Spehro Pefhany

One of my pet peeves as well. So far I haven't screwed up the offset
calculations on a board, but it's only a matter of time...


I always try to print it out 1:1 and lay the part overtop with a new
footprint. If there's no samples in hand, that's when problems (this
and other kinds) tend to occur.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

James Jackson

Using my CAD software, when creating Patterns like this - I will usually
also place the Package Outline information on an Assembly Layer -
superimposing it onto the Pad Layout. I will also create little square pads
on the Assembly Layer - that way... if something looks 'odd' it will usually
jump out at me, and I can investigate further, correcting if necessary.

I had a Pattern recently - for a SIM Card - that dimensioned to the plastic
edges... and the Pad edges. That was a challenge. I think mechanicers like
to pose interesting challenges when it comes to dimensioning parts.


James Jackson

Spehro Pefhany said:
I always try to print it out 1:1 and lay the part overtop with a new
footprint. If there's no samples in hand, that's when problems (this
and other kinds) tend to occur.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Slav Mit.

Hello, everybody.
In my opinion it is worth to visit and try their PCB
Libraries Navigator. It is free (demo) for a month period. It helps to
design land patterns properly concerning all tolerancies. I would appreciate
any opinions about it.
Best Regards.