Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Argon in ultraviolet medium pressure mercury lamps


I am researching medium pressure mercury lamps for uv curing process.

I have information about voltage, current, arc lenght, bulb
dimensions, power, and amount of mercury, as well.

I know that these lamps are filled with a very small amount of argon
(or other rare gas) in order to start the arc at room temperature and
lower voltages.

But I do not know how to calculate this "small" amount of argon. I
know this amount is less than 20 milimeters of Hg (20 Torr) and about
4-10% of the total pressure of mercury filled in the bulb.

If someone can help me in order to determinate this amount of argon I
would apreciate. If someone need my help in subjects relationed to
ultraviolet technology please send me a message.

Best Regards,

Mr.Marcio Moraes
email : [email protected] or [email protected]

Posted at:

Robert Baer


I am researching medium pressure mercury lamps for uv curing process.

I have information about voltage, current, arc lenght, bulb
dimensions, power, and amount of mercury, as well.

I know that these lamps are filled with a very small amount of argon
(or other rare gas) in order to start the arc at room temperature and
lower voltages.

But I do not know how to calculate this "small" amount of argon. I
know this amount is less than 20 milimeters of Hg (20 Torr) and about
4-10% of the total pressure of mercury filled in the bulb.

If someone can help me in order to determinate this amount of argon I
would apreciate. If someone need my help in subjects relationed to
ultraviolet technology please send me a message.

Best Regards,

Mr.Marcio Moraes
email : [email protected] or [email protected]

Posted at:

Perhaps one could look at the intensity of the various spectral lines.
The part that helps, is that the spectral lines are unique to each
element (gas).
Perhaps, at a given (fixed) excitation (current thru the ions), the
intensity ratios of an Argon line to a Mercury line is related to the
concentration ratio?
I ad mit i am guessing, but it is a possible avenue - and if not, may
give you other ideas...