Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Arghhh! Why did they do that?


Fred Bartoli

Robert Baer a écrit :
Use Fig 2.8 and 5.8 as reference.
Then Fig 1.5 is consistent and thus 3.5 is also OK.

I'm not telling that they're not.
Just that the minus input and the output should be right next to each
other, so that you can stick the 0201 feedback between them, without
having to twist the layout to escape the V+ pin from there. That's
simple good sense.
OK I realize that there might be some die layout reasons, but it wish
they had thought about this.
After all, what's the purpose of a 1x1.3mm WLCSP package if not high
density? And that layout precludes the highest because it tangles nests,
or mandates microvias, via in pads, or 3mils rules, or such, and it's a
pain to have to resort to this just because the pinout is done the wrong

Fred Bartoli

Thiernesse Vincent a écrit :
What a f... s....

La vie est vraiment trop cruelle !!!


Oops, I thought I've plonked you, but I forgot to update my filters.
Never mind, it won't happen again.

Thiernesse Vincent

Fred Bartoli said:
Thiernesse Vincent a écrit :

Oops, I thought I've plonked you, but I forgot to update my filters.
Never mind, it won't happen again.

Well, you're such a plonky man...
