Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Are these the appropriate components??

I am designing a prototype product and would like to use a series of components from Little Bird Electronics in the production. (
I would need it to, once a button it tapped, initiate wheels to roll until the light sensor sensors light. Then I would need a programmer connected to the light sensor and wheels to stop the wheel movement & start a robotic motor to raise 2.5 - 4kgs, to an 80° angle.
For the same action to happen in the opposite series of events (lower the object and roll back until light sensor, on opposite side of original, can no longer sense light) would I need a different set of programming (i.e. different motors and programmers)?
I use thinking of using the “Tiny AVR Programmer” in congjunction with an "Analog Ambient Light Sensor TEMT6000" as well as the "12V Low Low noise DC Motor” is this the right set of components to be using?

Tiny AVR Programmer

Analog Ambient Light Sensor TEMT6000

12V Low Low noise DC Motor 146RPM w/Encoder

If you think I'm heading in the complete incorrect direction in order to achieve my prototype could you please suggest other means? :)
Thank you

Harald Kapp

Then I would need a programmer connected to the light sensor and wheels to stop the wheel movement & start a robotic motor to raise 2.5 - 4kgs, to an 80° angle.
You probably have the wrong idea what a programmer does? A programmer is used to program a chip, typically a microcontroller or a memory chip like e.g. FLASH (to 'burn' a chip is another expression often used).
In your application you will need a microcontroller board, e.g. an arduino to perform the sequence of events as envisioned. Many microcontroller boards can be programmed via USB from a PC without the need for a separate programmer. You will have to know (or learn) how to write a program for a microcontroller, download it to the microcontroller board and test it.

Analog Ambient Light Sensor TEMT6000
While this sensor can be used, it is possibly not the right for your application. An analog sensor delivers an output signal proportional to the amount of light it receives. This proportional signal needs to be digitized by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), the a decision has to be made by the program when there is enough light to be 'on' or low light to be 'off'. I take it from your description that you need to see light on/off only. This less expensive 'brick' will work perfectly in your application (the threshold between on/off is adjustable).

12V Low Low noise DC Motor 146RPM w/Encoder
What is this motor intended for? Forward/Backward movement or lifting the arm?
For the forward/backward movement you don't need a motor with encoder. Start/stop and direction will be controlled by the microcontroller and the light sensor.
For lifiting the arm it may be useful to have a motor with encoder to know (within the program) at which angle the arm currently is. This will allow smooth start and stop of the arm movement. However, if you don't need smooth acceleration and deceleration of the arm movement, two simple limit switches (one for down, one for up) are sufficient. A much less expensive motor without encoder will work then.
You will need a motor driver in addition since the microcontroller will not be able to drive the motor directly.

Frankly spoken:
judging from your selection of components I think this project is above your capabilities. I recommend you find a local mentor to assist you in reaching your goal by guiding you along the learning curve. You will need to learn a bit about electronics (how to use a light sensor, how to control a motor, how to connect sensors and driver to a mcircocontroller), a bit about programming (how a microcontroller works, how to write a program for a microcontroller, how to download the program to the target board, how to test and debug the program) plus you will need the skills to build the mechanics (chassis, drive, arm) for your project..