Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Are these designs realistic for my setup?

For context and setup, analog information is relayed from four piezoresistive sensors to a microcontroller (all embedded within an athletic insole), then transmitted to a wireless module via ribbon cable.

Overall, I'm implementing a device that can store this information and relay it to a computer or mobile application which will have an interface/program. Think of all the Nike+ products.

I have a few design ideas on how to implement this and need some advice on whether they are realistic, difficult to construct, impossible, expensive, etc. as I am a newbie to electronics.

* Wireless Module; similar to this
* "Watch" or "Wristband"; similar to this and this
* Built-in USB; data will be stored wirelessly in the module and can essentially be used as a "flash drive" to plug into any computer with the interface
* If data cannot be relayed wirelessly, use an ankle strap to clip the module and wire it together with everything else

If anyone has any other ideas, I'll be glad to hear them!
I don't really understand what you want to do here, but from what I inferred, this is my two cents.

Honestly speaking, I don't think these devices can be interfaced with a microcontroller. The wireless module most microcontrollers use are the type that allow serial transfer of information (i.e. UART, or any other type of protocol meant for microcontrollers).

For storage, you could access the computer directly through WiFi. This IMHO would be the simplest solution. The data that arrives can be accessed via a computer application that you program, or may be by another application that you may see online.

As for the mobile application, you may have to also design that yourself. The mobile device must have WiFi if you are using the wireless module.
To analyze your input from your devices for instant analysis. Strain guage in a wheatstone bridge configuration will allow you too measure a corresponding pressure in analog voltage variances. Input this into a A/D converter which will allow the computer to take input and store. The rest will take at least a two year degree, so you can complete your project without sharing the spoils. Good Luck.
ok for starters how big do you want it?
second how far do you want to transmit?
what sort of data or transmission is it?

looking at Arduino or the beginners micro will teach you a hell of a lot real quick. now just remember the first computer was the size of a warehouse and is now outgunned by most handheld gaming systems. in fact a simple phone has more computing power than what was need for the first moonlanding. so in reality you could make this quite big for a prototype then give it to a genius to downsize.

also there are heaps of apps that allow you to plug things into your smartphone if you know how to program them right.
the issue I have with this though I have literally no idea what you are making or how far or even what type of transmission you are aiming for. I can guess but guessing an answer for a vague question is like aiming down a gun while blindfolded..... sure it looks good but the chances of getting a bullseye is very small


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
This question is impossible to answer without knowing the skill level of the OP, both electrically and mechanically.


Edit: I have a long lifetime of experience in both but I don't think I've got what it takes to build this into a sneaker. Well, maybe a really, really big sneaker! :p
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