Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Are product recommendations off-topic?

I have several cheap multimeters and I'd like to invest in a high quality upgrade.

My primary use case is low-voltage (under 15V / 1A) electronics, but I'd like something I can safely connect to any of my house mains (in the United States) and to higher voltage circuits in household devices (flyback transformers, etc.).

If necessary, I'm willing to buy two or more multimeters, if that's the best way to maximize bang-for-buck.

Is there an appropriate forum on Electronics Point to ask for opinions on high quality or high value equipment that my fellow members like?

If not, can anyone recommend another internet forum for such discussions?

Harald Kapp

I think here you are welcome placing your question.

Any instrument rated measurement category III, pollution degree 2 and fulfilling UL6101 (or the mostly equivalent EN61010) should be safe for your purposes.

Be careful with low prize offers from not renowned sources. They often do not or only barely fullfill the promises they make on their type labels. For a real upgrade go to renowned manufacturers like e.g. Fluke, Keysight (Agilent), Keithley and similar).
