Maker Pro
Maker Pro

arduino shield with magnetometer,clock,and OLED

hello everyone
I want to make an arduino shield with display, also I want to integrate more functions. But now I have no more good ideas. Here are some simple function I want to achieve.
First is the display, not the kind of big, ugly 1602 or 12864, it must be small, clear.
So I chose 0.96 inch OLED, it's small, clear, I think it is the most suitable arduino display. If someone can give me a better choice, I would consider it.

Second, the magnetometer is also included in the shield. I used HMC5883 as a magnetometer.I will display a compass on the OLED.
Third, I put the DS1307 on the shield as RTC.
Finally, I put HM06 Bluetooth on this board. SMD moudle.




As this is my first arduino shield design, I will make some and test it, very appreciative for any suggestions or ideas.
yeah,Thank you very much for your reply,I will add some other things.I will add the acceleration and the acceleration sensor, which is integrated on a small chip. Now there is a class of such chips, such as MPU6050, MPU6000.
Hi Ninjia, why did you choose .96 inch OLED? What is its speciality? Sorry I don’t have any suggestion other than 12864 which you already said you don’t need. And I think HMC5883 is a good choice (remember it sometimes shows very small noise and high repeatability of measurements in successive revolution) Also, the blog link he has given will also be helpful. Anyway, please tell us what all things you used after it is all ready. A picture will also help.

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Hi Ninjia, why did you choose .96 inch OLED? What is its speciality? Sorry I don’t have any suggestion other than 12864 which you already said you don’t need. And I think HMC5883 is a good choice (remember it sometimes shows very small noise and high repeatability of measurements in successive revolution) Also, the blog link he has given will also be helpful. Anyway, please tell us what all things you used after it is all ready. A picture will also help.

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yeah,first,It can be used in a variety of places required angle measurement, with arduino multiwii can also be used as a flight control board.Second,the RTC which I used is not good.In the next version,I will I will replace the DS1307 series chips.In addition, the 0.96-inch OLED is suitable shield, because it is small, is clear. It is actually a very good performance.