Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Archiving electronics literature such as

Hi everybody. If you haven't come across it, the site ( ) is a very large collection of old electronics magazines, books and other literature. Does anybody know if it is still receiving donations? It is certainly functioning as an active website in giving access to its contents, but I have been trying to contact the owner to no avail as I have a lot of literature I think they would be interested in. But, alas, I have received no reply.

Failing that, does anybody know of anybody else providing this super important service of archiving electronic literature I could give my large amount of magazines and such to?
Thanks for the replies, but do you know how to contact the site? I have not had a reply from the contact email given on the site. I desperately want to do something with my Practical wirelesses (a few going back 60 years), Babani books and other articles for which he has holes in his collections. Otherwise they are going to have to go down to the tip! I am mid 70's and I can not leave my kids to clear up my mess!

Failing that, any suggestions of where to dispose of them constructively. I live in the Midlands, UK but I can of course scan things.
Yes. Some time ago. Just sent another one. Hope he is ok. I have been unable to find another email address.