Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Aqua cube digital-power supply??

hi I just bought an aqua cube digital- companion, when it arrived it on has power source to go to cigarrette lighter- which I don't own I contacted supplier and they cant help me- I need it to go through the inverter or on a normal power point to plug into my sine wave generator- does anyone know where I can get one or do I have to start cutting wires- if so, how do I do this?? thanks in advance...
By 'cigarette lighter' we must assume that the device runs from 12V DC (I've just downloaded the operators manual and it is indeed 12V).

You will need to purchase a 12V power pack - it should be rated at 5A output (minimum) and suitable to be powered from your sinewave generator (110V? 220V?).

Unless, of course, you power the sinewave generator from 12V???? You can then connect the shower directly to the 12V supply instead.

Note - posting as much information about the product and the items you intend to use it with makes finding an answer much easier. I had to trawl to find the users manual for the shower and I can only guess at the 'sinewave generator' you have (no idea of output voltages etc).