Maker Pro
Maker Pro

applications of ce amplifier




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i am new please help me

Yes, am not problem. First thing is am referencing of stuff.

See we am call amplifier common thing based on what am terminal ov active
device which am refrenced to ground or nought volts, GND or am 0V. Ov
course, might be conectented elswhare.

In your ampliferer, wot you call Common Emitter your emitter am connected to
ground and you am wiggle base for get output on collector.

If you am have Common Base amplifirer then your base am connected to ground
so tyou am wibble emitter abowt and get outpuit on collector.

Then am get mess up coz common collector amplifier have colector am connect
not to ground but to suppli, which in AC term am grounf and wibble base
about for output on emitt but call that follower so problem solved.

Then thing get complicate by bias ov stuff so iz werking in region of
werking but not am bovered wiv such stuff...

Some am have volt gain and some am have amp gain and some am have both.

Then am all fall over becoz of S paraters plus lack ov .pdf place for graff
paper to do wiv.


Rich Grise

Yes, am not problem. First thing is am referencing of stuff.

See we am call amplifier common thing based on what am terminal ov active
device which am refrenced to ground or nought volts, GND or am 0V. Ov
course, might be conectented elswhare.

In your ampliferer, wot you call Common Emitter your emitter am connected to
ground and you am wiggle base for get output on collector.

If you am have Common Base amplifirer then your base am connected to ground
so tyou am wibble emitter abowt and get outpuit on collector.

Then am get mess up coz common collector amplifier have colector am connect
not to ground but to suppli, which in AC term am grounf and wibble base
about for output on emitt but call that follower so problem solved.

Then thing get complicate by bias ov stuff so iz werking in region of
werking but not am bovered wiv such stuff...

Some am have volt gain and some am have amp gain and some am have both.

Then am all fall over becoz of S paraters plus lack ov .pdf place for graff
paper to do wiv.


When I made up the term, "Ignoramian," I thought I was making a joke! =:-O

Elect Me President in 2008! I will:
A. Fire the IRS, and abolish the income tax
B. Legalize drugs
C. Stand down all military actions by the US that don't involve actual
military aggression against US territory
D. Declare World Peace I.