Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Apple MS 17 inch display changes color temperature


William R. Walsh


I have an Apple Multiple Scan 17 inch monitor--Series M2494 --that I picked
up off of the curb. After cleaning and drying it all seems to be well. The
image displayed is razor sharp, clear and very bright, suggesting that the
tube and most of the monitor is in very good working order.

There are two minor problems...when the monitor is first turned on, the
color temperature changes. It is as though someone is changing the
adjustment every few seconds, but there is no color temperature adjustment
that I can see. When the monitor warms up, this problem usually goes away
and is replaced by a whine from the flyback. Hitting the monitor or gently
poking at components on the main board with an insulated stick produces no
change in the color temperature, but the whine from the flyback will stop
when it is prodded. I think I will just arrange for a well insulated, non
flammable object to "poke" the flyback when the monitor's casing is in

I'm not too worried about the shift in color temperature, as it stabilizes
when the monitor is warmed up, but I would like to know if anyone has seen
this before and has any ideas about fixing it. Also, does anyone know what
the various controls on the monitor do? I've got the basics figured out, but
I'm wondering about the "Apple Star" marked button as well as two very small
buttons that require the tip of a pen to push.



As for the colour shifting as the monitor warms up, there may be some parts
that have become thermo sensitive with age. With proper troubleshooting, the
defective components can be located, and then replaced. This will take some
troubleshooting skills and experience to do a proper safe repair.

As for the whistling noise, this can be something mechanicaly resonating
with the flyback or an associated component. This can also be serviced.



Romeo E. Albert