Maker Pro
Maker Pro

apologies for a few days ago

  • Thread starter Foley U. Matthews
  • Start date

Foley U. Matthews

sorry all, somehow all my old saved messages got reposted onto the

Foley U. Matthews. there | I believe in : Paying NO voluntary taxes, i.e.
are no e's in my true email | Lotteries, Gambling... The Executive Producer
Visit the Ellen Foley Info | is to blame!... and perhaps, Love (is/can be) | "Fully expecting to be Hurt!"

Rod Speed

Foley U. Matthews said:
sorry all, somehow all my old saved messages got reposted onto the group

A Jap would at least have the decency to disembowel itself.

Dont make a mess on the carpet.

Franc Zabkar

sorry all, somehow all my old saved messages got reposted onto the

The latest version of Agent allows you to create your own folders. For
example, you could move your saved posts from aus.electronics to

-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.